Revenge. (Part 2)

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_____________Four's Castle_______________

The cage appeared in front of Four. Four smiled and chuckled.

Four: Ah, Bottle. Long time no see.

Bottle looked at Four, angry.

Bottle: What do you want from me, Four.

Four: I've heard you made some "new gems". 

Bottle: That's none of your business.

Bottle said as she crossed her arms. Four got up off of his throne and walked towards the cage. Bottle still made eye contact with him.

Four: Oh, but it is my business to learn. Let me ask you, what do the gems do?


Four: Oh, you're gonna.

BH: No she isn't!

Four: Huh?

Four turned his head to see Death P.A.C.T. Four rolled his eyes.

Four: Just as I excepted. Death P.A.C.T. I'll deal with you later, Bottle.

Four said as he walked to the team.

Four: Nice time for an interruption, Death P.A.C.T.

Tree: You let her go, right now!

Four: Or what?

Tree points at Bottle.

Four: What?

Four turns to Bottle, and saw her gem on her headband glowing.

Four: WHAT?!

Bottle: Here we go, everyone! Ice Power, Activate!!!

An explosion happened in the cage. The smoke cleared up.

Bottle: Now time to break out of here!

Bottle used her powers to break out of the cage. The cage successfully broke into pieces.

Bottle: Hurry guys! Transform!

Pen: Let's do this! Water Power, Activate!!!

Remote: Technology Power, Activate!!!

Tree: Fire Power, Activate!!!

BH: Starlight Power, Activate!!!

Pie: Explosion Power, Activate!!!

Pillow: Telekinesis Power, Activate!!!

Lollipop: Electricity Power, Activate!!!

A big explosion happened as the light scrammed across the castle. Four uncovered his eyes.

Four: New outfits? Interesting.

Four blasted his powers at all of them, they all move out the way quickly.

BH: Remember, follow the plan!

They all nod. Pillow runs to Bottle to get her away from the cage safely.

Bottle: Thanks, Pillow.

Pillow: You're welcome!

They hear the cage behind them explode. They were so concerned, so they turn around.

Pillow: What the- OW!!

Bottle: Pillow!

Pillow was down on the floor. Bottle ran to her to help her up. Then, Bottle saw Liy as she looked up.

Bottle: Where the heck did you come from?!

Liy: That's none of your business.

Liy summons her sword and swings it at Bottle. Bottle dodges it and blasts her powers at Liy. Liy creates a shield to protect herself from Bottle's ice powers.

Death P.A.C.T Saves The World!: The Return of FourWhere stories live. Discover now