This just never keeps getting easier, would it?

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Author's Note before we start: I haven't posted a chapter, so I owe you guys another one. But here's the next chapter!

They walked in the house, when they noticed something from Bottle's laboratory downstairs.

BH: Uhh, what is she doing down there?

Remote: I don't know, but let's find out!

They go downstairs and Remote knocks on the door. Bottle opens the door.

Bottle: Oh! Hey guys!

Pen: Hey, Bottle. We were just wondering, what are you making down there?

Bottle: Oh! I'll show you! Follow me!

They all follow Bottle downstairs.

Bottle: You know, I didn't want to be rude, you know, not showing people my stuff! But this is what I'm making!

Pen was in amazement!

Pen: Woahohoh! What is this?!

Pen picks up an armband with a big, blue gem in the center. Bottle walks over to him.

Bottle: Try it on! I was finished making these, anyway.

Pen: Okay!

Pen looks confused on how to put the armband on.

Pen: Uhh... how do you put this on?

Bottle: Here! Let me show you!

Bottle takes it and slides in all the way to his arm.

Pen: Thanks!

Bottle: No problem! I'll get to the steps in a little bit.

She picks up an ring, that has a red gem on, and walks over to Remote, and gives it to her.

Remote: Thank you!

Remote puts the ring on.

Remote: This has to be cool!

Bottle smiles, and walks over to the table one more time, picking up a bracelet that has a green gem on it and a necklace with a purple gem on it, and gives the bracelet to Tree and the necklace to Black Hole.

BH: Wow, thank you!

Tree: Yeah, thanks!

Bottle: Your welcome!

They put it on.

(Author's Note before we continue: Y'all, they're humans relax ok now back to the fucking story also don't you THINK about it :])

Bottle: Remote, you wanna go first-

Then, a big fork comes in the downstairs laboratory, revealing Gelatin.

Gelatin: Haha! I knew you four were here!!

BH: Looks like we have company.

Black Hole casts his starlight, but somewhat, his gem on his necklace starts to glow. He gets distracted by it.

BH: Uh... is this supposed to happen?

Bottle: Technically, yes.

Gelatin looks at the glowing necklace, then looks at the bracelet p, then the ring, then the armband. He smiles.

Gelatin: Ooh! Looks like you guys have some new stuff on you!

Then, he summons 20 dark magic forks and cats it at them.

Bottle: Oh no!

Remote puts a shield around them. Her gem on her ring glows as well.

Remote: Woah! Me too?

Death P.A.C.T Saves The World!: The Return of FourWhere stories live. Discover now