A Fallen Leader. (1K SPECIAL!!)

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All was fine in the house of Death P.A.C.T. Everyone was talking about different things. Then, Pillow was feeling a bit bored.

Pillow: I wanna go to the beach again.

Pie: You know what happened last time we went there?

Pillow: I'm sure it won't happen again!

Tree: Alright then, let's get ready to go!

____________10 Minutes Later_____________

Tree: We're ready?

Everyone: Yep!

Tree: Alright then, let's go!

They all walked out the door, and Lollipop closed the door and locked it. They started to walk towards the beach.

Lollipop: I'm sure this will be a great beach day.

Bottle: It will! Trust me, nobody is gonna ruin it this time. We're gonna have fun!

Pen: Yeah, she's right! As long as anything bad doesn't happen, then we're good!

They finally arrived at the beach.

BH: Alright everyone! Let's have fun!!

Everyone ran to the water and they had so much fun. That is, until...

_____________Four's Castle_______________

Liy was sitting down, and listening to her music with headphones. She was humming along to the music also. Four had walked up to her. Liy noticed this and took off her headphones.

Four: Come with me, Liy. The others are waiting.

Liy stood up and followed Four to his throne. There, the others were. Four walked up and turned on the screen. The screen showed Death P.A.C.T at the beach, having fun. Four had set up a plan.

Four: As you can see, Death P.A.C.T is at the beach, having their pathetic little fun. Now, Liy, come forward.

Liy came forward to see Four holding a dark crystal. Those were the crystals to evilize one of the Death P.A.C.T members. Liy took the crystal, and held it in her hand.

Four: Alright, you ready for this?

Liy nodded her head in agreement.

Liy: I'm ready, Four.

Four: Good luck.

Liy walked off to the entrance. Four proceeded to open the doors. Liy exited out the castle, ready.

_____________Death P.A.C.T______________

They were continuing to have so much fun, like they were dancing the night away(hehe reference😉).

Remote: This is fun! I like it!

???: Hello, Death P.A.C.T.

They turned around to see Liy.

BH: Here we go again.

Liy: Long time no see.

Liy started blasting her powers at Death P.A.C.T. Death P.A.C.T quickly moved out the way. Liy had spotted Tree, and she quickly threw the crystal at him. The crystal had hit Tree on his bracelet, and then, his gem glowed, and a dark green explosion happened. Liy smiled at this experience she had made.

Liy: Nice.

Tree had gotten up. Black Hole walked towards him.

BH: Tree? You oka- WOAH!!

Tree had attacked Black Hole, but luckily, Black Hole had dodged his attack.


Death P.A.C.T Saves The World!: The Return of FourOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz