It's Getting Chiller Now.

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Lollipop's POV

It's been 1 week since I've moved from my team's house. I really, really miss them, and I know they miss me too. But I'm thinking of visiting them today. Maybe tomorrow, it's late, and I should head to bed. I went into my bathroom, which used to be Liy's, changed my clothes, put moisturizing cream on my face, bursh my teeth, turned off my light and hopped on my bed. I went to sleep, planning to get to meet them tomorrow.

_______________Next Day_______________

I woke up and checked the time. 7:45AM. Why do I always wake up at that time?... I get up off my bed, and went to get ready. 15 minutes later, I came back and checked the time. 8:00AM. I closed my room door and went into the hall. There I saw Pie.

Lollipop: Morning, Pie!

Pie yawned and stretched herself for a bit.

Pie: Morning, Lollipop.

We both went downstairs, to see the house messed up. Covered with snow and a little ice. We were both shocked by the situation.

Pie: What happened here..?

Bottle: Guys! Over here!

We ran outside. It's a whole blizzard outside. And cold also.

Tree: The weather said it was supposed to be sunny today..

BH: Right! So, there's no way there can be snow outside if it's the summer...

_____________Four's Castle_______________
Third Person POV

Four: Nice job, Snowball. Say, I'm impressed. Where did you learn this?

Snowball: Long time ago. I decided to try it out to ruin the weather.

Then, Snowball thought about it.

Snowball: Maybe this blizzard...

He touched a snowflake and it turned into ice.

Snowball: Can be helpful once I beat Death P.A.C.T...

He flies out the castle.

Four: He has a good point... how will Death P.A.C.T will be able to see in this... powerful snowstorm..?

Four chuckles as he walks away.

____________Death P.A.C.T_______________

Bottle runs outside with 7 crystals that looked a little lighter. She tosses them to each one of them.

BH: What are these?

Bottle: Oh! They're power up gems. It has every single power up! Just, hold on to them for a while.

BH: Oh, alright.

Then, an 20 ice blocks came after them. They dodged it.

Pen: What the?!

They all hear a chuckle.

Pillow: Show yourself!

Pillow was readying her powers. A snow tornado caught their attention.

Lollipop: What the?!

Then, the tornado explodes and reveals Snowball.

Snowball: What's up, losers! You're gonna lose again!

Lollipop: Not to you!

Snowball: Ah, I see you have a new member speaking. Why don't you go ahead and show me what you got?

Lollipop: Alright. But just remember, you're not winning this!

(After Lollipop transformed)

Snowball summons a large snowball and he cast it towards Lollipop. Lollipop got hit because she didn't see it due to the strong blizzard.

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