A New Hero And Member Of The Team.

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I've know yall been waiting for this. Let's start!!!

Everyone was getting ready for a picnic day. Bottle and Pillow were gathering the stuff together, Pie was making the food in the kitchen, and Pen, Remote, Tree, and Black Hole were customizing the basket.

15 minutes later, they were all set to go. They go out the door and head to the beach, where they were planning to go. They had a little talk while walking.

Pillow: This is gonna be fun! I know it!

Bottle: You know it! Let's just hope we don't have to fight anyone...

BH: My fingers are crossed...

Pen: Well, we had our fights along the way. Besides! We beat Four and his minions so many times! We're proving that we're stronger than him!

Pie: Pen has a good point. We've beaten them many times, and we still win! We are not gonna let Four take over the world. Not on our watch. We also have a little thing called...

Pen, Pie: Determination!

Pie: We've been determined ever since. And you know that we've got this, no matter what!

Bottle: Wow! Thank you, Pie! For that amazing speech!

Pie: It's no big deal.

Tree: Alright, we have arrived!

Remote: Awesome!

They go on the sand and set up the picnic. After setting up, they sit down on the blanket and have fun.

______________Fours Castle______________

Four was looking to see what Death P.A.C.T were doing. He got an answer, and saw that they were having a picnic, all together. Four knew this was a perfect time to ruin their picnic. And he knew exactly who to pick to send.

Four: Gelatin!

Gelatin walked over to Four.

Four: Please come here.

Gelatin went up the three steps and looked at the big screen.

Four: Seems like they're having a picnic. I want you, Gelatin, to ruin it.

Gelatin: Alright! Sweet!

Four: Good luck.

Four said while smiling. Gelatin walked out the castle.

Gelatin: This picnic won't last long, Death P.A.C.T.

____________Death P.A.C.T_______________

They were done eating, and now they were playing on the beach, having so much fun, that they thought this was a day off of fighting. They were having a water fight. Pen won the water fight again.

Pen: Haha! I win again!

Bottle: Hmph! No fair!

Pen: I think my powers are really cool after all.

Bottle: Yeah, but this time, I'm gonna beat you again!

Pen: We'll see about tha-

Just then, a fork distracted them.

Pen: Huh?

The whole team turned to see Gelatin.

Gelatin: Well, well, it looks like it's time to RUIN your fun!

BH: And I thought this was supposed to be a day off, but NOPE, you had to come in and ruin it all.

Gelatin: Blah, blah, blah, chatter, chatter, cha-

Death P.A.C.T Saves The World!: The Return of FourWhere stories live. Discover now