Time To Get Pen Back. (FIGHT)

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Bottle said as she shot ice crystals towards Liy. She blocks them with her shield, and tends to hit Bottle. Tree, however, got in the way and accidentally got hit.

Bottle: Tree! Are you okay?

Tree: Yeah, I'm fine, thanks.

Tree summoned a fire rope and tied it around Liy so she wouldn't move anywhere.

Bottle: Wow! Nice job!

Tree: Thanks!


Lollipop: Alright, so-

Lollipop had gotten cut off when Gelatin hit her.

Gelatin: I didn't know there was a fight happening! Ready to get beaten?!

Lollipop got up. She looked towards Gelatin.

Lollipop(mumbling): Oh god, not this guy again...

Gelatin: What was that? I couldn't hear you over the sound of DESTRUCTION!!!

Gelatin said as he shot dark magic at Lollipop. Lollipop gets hit with the dark magic and falls to the floor. She gets up, and hits Gelatin with her electricity.

Gelatin: Ah, fuck!

Gelatin yelled as he held his arm. He removed his hand from his arm, and saw it was bleeding. Gelatin's eyes widened, and looked towards Lollipop.

Gelatin: You... did you just...

Lollipop was confused, and she took a step toward Gelatin.

Lollipop: Did what-

Gelatin fell to the floor. Four noticed this, and ran over to him.

Four: GELATIN!!!

Four looked at Gelatin, hoping he would wake up. But he was conscious. Four looked everywhere. He had enough of fighting. He let Pen out of the cage, and in rage, he pushed Death P.A.C.T. out of the castle. They all hit the ground and detransformed. They dusted theirselves(Is that even a word😭), as they looked at one another.

Tree: What... just happened..?

Pen: I don't know, but I'm just glad you guys came for me.

BH: Yeah, we're glad your safe, buddy.

Black Hole smiled. Pen smiled back.

Pen: Well, uh, let's go to the waterfall?

Lollipop: Sure, my friend.

The team headed off to the waterfall to rest for a while.

(4 hours later...)

Four wrapped up Gelatin's arm, and waited for him to wake up. In a minute, Gelatin opened his eyes.

Gelatin: What the hell happened...?

Four: Lollipop used her powers on you, remember?

Gelatin tried to refresh his memory.

Gelatin: Oh. Right. Well, um, can I fig-

Four cut him off.

Four: You can't fight, Gelatin, your arm needs to heal first. Hm...

Blocky had walked in, and looked at Gelatin.

Blocky: What happened to your arm?

Gelatin: L-

Four: Well, you see, Lollipop used her powers and damaged Gelatin's arm. He cannot fight, so I need you, Blocky, to go down to Death P.A.C.T. Take this with you.

Four gave him a dark crystal.

Blocky: Woah! How do you use this?

Four: This little precious baby right here, can make one of the members be on our side. I need you to get Black Hole to become evil. He's possibly more powerful.

Blocky: That is true... Okay, I'll do it!

Four: Good. Now...

Four smiled and laughed.

Four: Let's get this party started...



As you all may have heard, I'm back from hiatus! I'm doing great now, and I'll try to make long chapters again. With all that being said, I'll see you on the next chapter!


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