Double Trouble.

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Remote: I can't believe we failed. For the first time. We've never failed, and-

Remote was worrying, when Pie gave her a hug to calm down.

Pie: Hey, it's gonna be okay.

Remote smiled as Pie let go.

Remote: You're right.

Pillow had gotten up.

Pillow: I'm going to go outside for a walk.

Tree: I'll come with you.

Pillow: Alright! Let's go!

BH: Have fun! Also, don't get kidnapped.

Black Hole chuckled. Tree smiled.

Tree: We won't.

Tree and Pillow head out the door, Tree closed the door and walked with Pillow.

______________The Walk_________________

Tree: It's a nice day.

Then, drops of rain start coming down.

Pillow: It's raining already?

Tree: It seems so. We should head back.

Pillow: But didn't we start walking just now? Why turn back?

Tree: Because we don't want to get wet.

Then, he sees a dark glowing purple drop come down. He was confused.

Tree: What the...?

Pillow: What's wrong, Tree?

Tree: Look!

The drops start becoming a dark glowing purple color.

Pillow: You're right, let's go!! Hurry!!

____________Double Trouble_____________

Tree and Pillow ran and ran to their team house, until crystals were shot at them. They quickly dodged every crystal. They both turned around, but they couldn't see anybody.

Tree: Who the heck is that? Show yourself!!!

Pillow: Yeah!

All of a sudden, the raindrops stop in place, then form a tornado.

Pillow: What the-

Then, familiar voices speak.

Snowball: Nice job, Flower! Never knew that was part of your power.

Flower: Why, thank you, Snowball.

They both said as they stepped out of the fog.

Snowball: And look here. 2 members of Death P.A.C.T.

Flower: Nice. You won't stand a chance against us!!!

Tree and Pillow looked at the duo, ready to fight.

Tree: Let's see about that.

Tree and Pillow's gems glow bright.

Pillow: Pillow, Power of Telekinesis!!

Tree: Tree, Power of Fire!!

A green and white explosion happened. Tree and Pillow were already transformed, ready. Flower had charged dark petals at them. They both quickly moved out the way, landing to the ground.

Tree: We somehow need to gather the others!

BH: Don't worry, we're already here!

Tree and Pillow turned around to see their teammates.

Death P.A.C.T Saves The World!: The Return of FourHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin