Teardrop, what happened?

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Teardrop was usually sitting on a bench because she loved to relax for a bit. Then Eggy came over and sat by her.

Eggy: Hey, Teardrop! Mind if I sit with you?

Teardrop nodded in agreement. Eggy sat down and chatted with her. Teardrop had a notebook in her lap, that way, she can communicate with people. She opened her notebook to a blank page, readying her pencil.

Eggy: It's nice out here, isn't it? I mean, the sun is shining bright.. what do you think?

Teardrop wrote and showed to Eggy.

"I think it's beautiful too. But it's a bit cold.."

Eggy understood and felt a cold breeze.

Eggy: Sure is. You know-


Eggy opened her eyes to see Blocky holding Teardrop. Teardrop struggled, but Blocky was too strong.

Eggy: Teardrop!

Her notebook was on the ground. Eggy picked it up.

Eggy: Teardrop, yo-

Blocky cuts her off.

Blocky: Pfft, she doesn't need that. She'll be able to talk to Master Four perfectly fine.

Eggy's eyes widened as she dropped TD's notebook in fear.

Eggy: M-M-M-Master?!

Blocky chuckled as Teardrop reached her hand out for Eggy. Then, they disappeared. Eggy yelled as tears were forming in her eyes.


Eggy knew it was too late now. Teardrop was gone, and she didn't know what to do now. She fell to the ground on her knees and started crying.

Eggy: T-Teardrop... what should I do...?

Then, she thought about it. She stood up with tears still streaming down her eyes, and ran.

With Death P.A.C.T

They were all sitting down on the couch, talking, when all of a sudden they heard banging on the door.

Pillow: Oh! I'll get it!

Pillow opens the door, revealing Eggy crying and out of breath.

Pillow: What's wrong, Eggy?

Eggy tried to speak, but she only said a few words.

Eggy: Teardrop... she's... gone....

Pillow couldn't understand. But she went with it.

Pillow: You wanna calm down inside, then you can tell us what happened?

Eggy nodded, and walked inside to sit on the couch.

Pillow: I'll get you some water!

Pillow ran to the kitchen to grab a cup and filled it up with water. She walked and gave it to Eggy, who was calming down a bit.

Eggy: Thank you, Pillow.

Pillow: No problem!

20 minutes later...

Eggy: Thanks for calming me down.

Pillow nodded.

Bottle: So, you were gonna tell us?

Eggy: Oh, right.

BH: So, what happened?

Eggy: It's Teardrop. She...

Eggy was starting to cry.

Eggy: Blocky took TD, and... I tried to save her, but I didn't know w-what to do... that's why I came for your help... please, get Teardrop back, for me, please...?

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