pt-2 (sorry for any bad spelling)

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colbys pov

I dont know what came over me eirlier. I didnt mean to pin sam up against a locker and get so close to him, it just kinda happened. My best guess is that he is an omega but i could be wrong. I dont just want to think he is and him not be. While walking to class i feel like something is wrong with sam because his aura feels low.

end of colbys pov

start of speech

(sam=s) (colby=co) (teacher=t)
co-" hey sam are you ok you seem a little down
s-"what yeah im fine! why?"
co-"something is wrong sam i can see that please tell me whats wrong"
s-"nothing is wrong!! lets just get to lesson before the second bell rings i dont wanna have a late mark"
co-"alright then. but if there is something wrong will you tell me?"
s-"yeah, yeah, sure now hurry up the bells about to ring"

bell rings

t-"good morning class! hope you had a good weekend! and i hope you all did your homework
class growns (not in a weird way)
t-"anyways as you may or may not know we have a new student! would you like to introduce yourself?"
co-"um sure i guess. hello!! my name is colby brock, im 16 years old, my favourite animal is a koala and i love paranormal stuff! i hope we can all be friends"
t-"thank you colby you may sit down now also new week is the test so please dont forget to revise because i want everyone to have over 50% exept frm the exeption of colby!! now then lets get started with the lesson shall we"

end of speech

After the lesson

sam and colby make their way to the playground for breaktime. sam gets some food out of his bag colby on the other hand goes into the bathroom.

colbys pov

That class was so tiring it made me so hungry. If you didnt know im part vampire and vampires need blood to stay alive. Well guess who forgot to pack the blood. Thats right my mum. So now i need call my mum from work and ask her to bring me some and if she cant, i dont know what im gonna do, and im not going to bite someone it could kill them! So lets see if my mum picks up the phone.

end of colbys pov

(insert amazing phone ringing sounds)

start of speech

(pat=p) (colby=co)
p-"hello coal is everything okay?"
co-"no mum you forgot to put the blood in my bag!"
p-"i put it on the side and when i went to go put it in your bag i thought you had already put it in there sorry coal your dad must so taken it by accident"
co-"its alright mum i dont know what im going to do though because im really hungry right now your at work, and i cant just go round biting people"
p-"i know coal im sorry. have yoy got a friend who knows about you being a vampire yet? you could ask them maybe?"
co-"no mum i dont!"
p-"oh well im sorry again coal i cant leave work to give you any."
co-"its okay i might just ask if i can go home because i forgot my food"
p-"you could try"
co-"i need to go cya later mum"
p-"oh yeah cole just a quick thing i wont be home untill very late make sure you get enough sleep! love you cya layer honey"
co-"alrigh love you too mum, bye."

(epic hanging up sound)

end of speech

colbys pov

God im so hungry right now and the bell is about to go. UGHHH i dont know what to do i need to get blod from somewhere and quick!? wait ik SAM!!!? i bet he would understand. i hope! Now i just need to find him before the bell goes. i have five minutes to find him so i need to be quick. not outside, not in the cafateria, not in the toilets, maybe in the classroom he always likes to be early? Yes there he is!

end of colbys pov

start of speech

S-"huh, yeah, what?"
co-"im really hungry"
s-"oh do you want me to buy you something?"
s-"do you want any of my food? i dont really eat much anyways!"
co-"no sam! im a vampire!!"
s-"oh. wait what!???
co-"yeah can we talk about this later im starving over here"
s-"well what do you want me to do?"
co-"could i please drink some of your blood?"
s-"will it hurt?"
co-"depends on how much longer i got without blood"
s-"i mean sure i dont mind"
co-"okay move you collar so it doesnt get blood on it"
s-"ok but be quick the bell is gonna ring very soon"
co-"i know!"

end of speech

(im total that was 830 words also im so sorry but im leaving you on a cliffhanger i dont have any motervation left it might cone back to me soon though hope your enjoying it so far see ya next time)

its ok sam (shapeshifter au) solbyWhere stories live. Discover now