pt-3 (sorry for any bad spelling)

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sams pov  (not smut)

colby starts to undo my buttons on my collar. He then takes starts to take my sleeves off my sholders. Then the next thing i know if that hes sinking his teeth into my neck and sucking some blood out. I start to feel a little but dizzy so i tell colby to stop but he doesnt lisen to me. My vision gets blurry so ublurry to the point i cant see my fingers then the next thing know i pass out.

end of sams pov

colbys pov

I bit Sam. I cant believe i just bit sam. i feel so bad because after i bit him i just felt this thing fall on me then i realised it was sam, he passed out and i didnt stop, i just continued drinking his blood even after he passed out. I need to appologise to him i feel really bad in just waiting for him to wake up but its been more then 5 hours im starting to get worried. Maybe i should buy him something to make up for it or do something else like a romantic dinner. im so worried what if he doesnt wake up. Come on colby you always mess up maybe you should just not be around mess things up. I should just go far far away wgere no one can find me. No colby think positive im sure he will be perfectaly fine, i hope. I dont know what to do anymore is he still gonna like me when he wak---

end of colbys pov

(sam didnt go to the hospital by the way colby just took him so him house becuase hes a vampire and sams a werewolf so they cant walk into a doctors and be like hey please help him)

starts of speech

co-"huh what"
s-"colby are you okay ive been calling your name for like 2 minutes now?"
co-"SAM!!!" (happy and jumps on sam)
s-"colby bc careful im still kind of weak"
co-"oh sorry sam im just glad to see your okay" (climbs off sam)
s-"yeah im fine still a bit di-- diz--" (sams vision goes burry)
co-"SAM ---- SAM ARE U OKAY?????"
s-"i----im f----fin---fine co---colb" (sam passes out)
co-"SAM!!!!!!!! SAM WAKE UP!!!!!!! KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN PLEASE!!!!!!"

end of speech

sam ends up getting rushed to the hospital because he lost too much blood fro. when colby bit him and preveus trama from sams parens. the doctors do examinations on sam to see why he fainted again and they said he has PoTS, (PoTs is a fainting/passing out syndrome it basicaly means;a condition that causes an abnormal increase in your heart rate after sitting up or standing up. The most common symptoms are feeling lightheaded or dizzy, palpitations (being aware of your heartbeat) and fatigue) and because sam had undiagnosed PoTS for so long over tims they just got worse and worse without them even realising it so sam and colby have to ve a bit more careful when doing things. The doctors said that sam was free to go home but sam is a bit nervous because he doesnt know if his mum is home or if she id drunk or not.

sams pov

I dont want to go home yet, my head still hurts really badly! i so hope my mum either isnt home or is drunk. I open my eyes to colby towering over me look really worried down at me. Our eyes meet for about 3 seconds before i close my eyes because im stiill tired. I can hear colby pacing backwards and forwards then nothing. I open my eyes again and colby wasnt there so i sit up to see colbys parents holding him. Im not quite sure why his parents are holding him but it might be to comfort him. I try not to worry too much so i decided to get some rest
                    end of sams pov

After about 10 minutes sam wakes uo from him nap and sits up to see colby sitting next to him sleeping. Sam doesnt want to wake colby up so he leaves him be and goes to find a doctor but ends up nearly falling over which wakes colby up with fear.

                      start of speech
(sam=s) (colby=co) (doctor=d) (cindy=c)

co-"sam are you ok!??"
s-"yeah colby im fine i just tripped. Thank you for catching me"
co-"no problem but you should of woken me up i could off helped you"
s-"i know, i know but i didnt want to wake you up"
co-"i dont mind if you wake me up sam so next time you do that please wake me up!"
                'The doctor rushes in'
d-"is everything ok in here i hear banging sounds"
s-"yeah everything is fine i just tripped"
d-"oh okay then be careful next time"
co-"he will wont you sam!?"
s-"yes colby"
d-"by the way sam your mum wants to see you is that okay with you?"
    'doctor leaves while cindy walks in'
c-"oh my gosh my baby are you okay??"
s-"yes ma'am im fine!"
c-"sammy what are you calling me ma'am im your mum?"
s-"right sorry mum"
c-"its ok sammy but are you okay??"
s-"yes i am thanks to colby"
c-"oh hello young man i didnt see you there!"
co-"hello mrs golbach!"
c-"oh please just call me cindy"
c-"so what do you want to do sam?"
s-"what do you mean?"
c-"like go home, go out for dinner or something like that?"
s-"can we go home so i can rest please im still abit tired"
c-"of course sam. would you like to come aswell colby?"
c-"come on the il give you a ride back"
s-"thanks mum!"
c-"no problem sammy."
                      end of speech

(total words=1006) (thats all for this chapter because my motervation and mental health are really bad right now)

its ok sam (shapeshifter au) solbyWhere stories live. Discover now