pt-10 (sorry for any bad spelling)

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After about 2 hours of driving they arive at where cindy was taking then. It looks like an old barn. Sam and colby get dragged out of the car and into the barn where 2 faceless figures are standing in the middle of the barn. One of the faceless people start walking over to cindy and telling her where to out sam and colby. The two boys are still 'passed out' so cindy get a little suspisious. Colby starts moving about so cindy put a bag over his head and picks him up by the collar are brings him to the faceless people.

(cindy=c) (faceless person1=fb1) faceless person2=fb2) (colby=co) (sam=s) (pat=p) (robert=r)
(police officer=pc)

fb1-"so which one is this?"
c-"this one is colby all i know about hin is that he is a vampire wolf and he is age 15-17."
fb1-"okay put him over there" (points behind them)
fb2-"go get the other one!"

cindy goes over to sam and pickes him up by the neck.

c-"i know your not asleep sam and i want you to be on your BEST behaviour got that!"
s-"yeah, yeah whatever"
c-"that means no funny buisness"
s-"alright i get it"
fb1-"so tell us about him"
c-"his name is sam golback, he comes from a successesful family line. he is aged 15-17 like colby. He is the last of his kind.
fb2-"yes but what is his kind!?"
c-"i dont actually know"
fb1-"well how are we surpost to know if we want him!?"
c-"please just take him i need the money"
fb2-"what so you sell your own son!?"
c-"how did you know that"
the faceless figures take down their hoods and masks to reveal that its colbys parents. (sam and colby already knew)

c-"B-But how!??"
p-"its pretty easy hun! why dont you figure it out for yourself"
c-"haha you want get away with this"
pc-"oh really now"
r-"thats right! we called the police ages ago! they were the one that stopped you eirlyer"
c-(turn to sam and starts running at him with a knife she grabed out of her belt) "why you littl-"
pc-(tazers cindy) "dont even think about it lady"

(total words=390) (im so sorry this oart is so short!) (i promise the next one is going to be longer) (like i say in nearky all of them no motervation and crappy mental health still) (hope your enjoying the story so far)

its ok sam (shapeshifter au) solbyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin