pt-4 (sorry for any bad spelling)

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                      colbys pov

I get into the car and sam follows behind me. I dont think sam can remember that much about what happened but i dont really want him to. Sam gets in the car and looks back at me with a smile, I feel my cheeks go red. Sam faces forwards again and starts talking to him mum about things so i just look out the window to pass the time. I see sam giving me these quick glances as if to say i know what you did. I try not to think about it too much because ill start overthinking and when i over think its never good.
                   end of colbys pov

They get to sams house after a 30 minute drive. Sam and colby run upstairs into sams bedroom. Cindy shouts up to them to keep the door open a tiny bit so they do. A few hours go by and colby is still at sams house. Cindy calls up to them and askes them what they want for dinner but there wasnt a reply. She goes up to them and opens the door the remaining amout to see sam sleeping nexts to colby while colby is on his phone. (cindy isnt that drunk anymore so she isnt going to be as nice and she cant remember much)

                    start of speech
(cindy=c) (colby=c) (sam=s)

c-"what on earth is going on here"
co-"shhhh you'll wake sam up"
co-"you visited sam in the hospital and asked if i wanted to stay over? do you not remember"
co-"im sorry what did you just call me!?"
                    sam wakes up

s-"whats going on" (in a tired voice)
co-"it doesnt matter sam go back to sleep"
co-"i swear if you call me a fag one more time there are going to be problems"
c-"oh yeah!?? what are you gonna do kill me?"
co-"you never know i might?"
s-"both of you stop arguing"
c-"dont you DARE tell me what to do samuel"
s-"sorry ma'am"
co-"no its ok sam you dont have to apollogise! how about you come back to my house?"
c-"he will do NO such thing as going home with a FAGGOT"
co-"its sams choice let him choose"
s-"sorry colby but im gonna stay here"
co-"yeah, yeah im leaving."

                     end of speech

                          sams pov

I wanted to go with colby so much but i know there was going to be concequenses if i went. My mum keaves the room to make sure colby leaves and she watches him dissapear out of sight. Then she closes the door and starts stomping up the stairs like a 5 year old having a tantrum. She birsts into my room and proceds to yell at me and hits me in the face. I can fell wet streaks fall down from my eyes onto my hands. My mum just looks at me and calls me weak and she regretts having me. The tears stain my face while more are pouring down. She leaves my room and goes down stairs. I hear the fridge open and i know for a fact that there is beer in there so i really hope she is getting the bottle out. After awhile when everything is quite I rush into the bathroom and lock the door. I open my draw and grab a knife out of it. Luckly my mum hasnt found it yet. I roll up my joggers and draw lines of where i want to cut. Each slash is deeper than the next and i end up almost passing out from blood loss. I grab the spare bandages from the draw and wrap my leg up just in time for my mum to call me down for dinner. I tell her ill be 5 minutes while i clean up the blood from the floor. I hear my mum coming up the stairs so my make sure the door is locked all the way and not half way locked. She starts banging on the door tell me to hurry up and if im not downstairs in 2 minutes i dont get to eat anything. After 30 seconds - 1 minute i finish cleaning uo and rush downstairs to eat my food just making it there on time
                    end of sams pov

cindys pov (yeah you heard me correct)

I hear sam rushing down the stairs to get something to eat. Luckly for him he just made it on time to actually eat something. I dont really remember much of this but i can tell you i smashed a glass bottle round sams head on purpose and he passes out and i think i took him to his bed but thats all i really remember. The next day i go to check on him and he is still passed out so i call the school and tell them that he is sick and wont be coming in. But asoon as i put the phone down he woke up so i told him he had to go to school and i gave the school a ring back saying he can go in. Sam is begging me if he can stay at home because of his head but thats no excuse so i make him go to school so he stops arguing.

                  end of cindys pov

(total words - 954) (i actually had motervation today but my mental health isnt getting any better and im trying to make it so i write atlease 2 parts a day) (also cindy was calling colby a fag/faggot but she is bisexual in my AU anyways)

its ok sam (shapeshifter au) solbyWhere stories live. Discover now