pt-7 (sorry for any bad spelling)

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when colby get back into the room he sees that sams mum is at the door. Colbys mum goes to open it and colby shouts at her telling her not to. Everyone is really confused and colby explains why. Sam runs behind colby in fear and colbys parents lock the door.

                           sams pov

I dont want to see my mum. She said if she saw me with colby again she would kill me. I dont want to die. Im too young. Colby turns around to face me and starts cuddling me to calm me down. It works untill me mum starts banging on the door really hard and starts yelling telling colbys parents to open the door. Colbys parents dont listen thankfully. After a few minutes there is a gun shot and my vision starts to go blurry and i fall to the floor. I try to keep my eyes open but its really hard.

                    end of sams pov
                      start of speech
(colby=co) (pat=p) (robert=r) (cindy=c) (sam=s)

c-"i told you there were going to be concequences samuel" (shouting from outside while running away)
p-"cole and sam are you okay?" (worried)
co-"i-i" (shaky)
r-(runs over to colby) "hey buddy its gonna be okay! come on lets go to the kitchen"
co-"b-but i-" (shaky)
  colby and robert go into the kitchen
p-(makes sure the door is fully locked then runs over to sam) "hey buddy your gonna be okay just keep your eyes open! ROBERT GET THE MED KIT"
r-"ON IT!!"
p-"hey kid your being so brave right now"
s-"it hurts!"
p-"i know bud it will!"
     robert comes in with the med kit
r-"here you go"
p-"thanks, now go back to colby he needs you."
           robery leaves the room
p-"hey im going to need you to hold this towel where it hurts, and keep your eyes open!"
      sam holds the left side of his chest
p-"thats it, good job, now this might hurt okay, and remember to keep your eyes open.

                      end of speech

                        sams pov

My eyes are really weak i just want to close them but colby will be upset. colbys mum is trying everything to keep me breathing. I still cant believe my mum would do that and how good her aim was through a door. My chest starts to feel heavy and my breathing slows. Colbys mum starts shouting to colbys dad saying she meed some help. My eyes get weaker and weaker, and my breathing gets slower and slower untill there was nothing. All i can hear is colbys parent telling me to keep my eyes open. I keep thinking back to my mum and how I cant let her win. My eyes open and my breathing gets better. I sit up faster then i ever have before. Colbys parent look at me with pure shock. Colbys dad rushes out the room to go get colby.

                   end of sams pov

colbys rushes into the room and starts hugging sam really tight. Sam tells colby that he is fine and not to worry about him but colby was still really worried about him.

The next day sam gets up early to get ready for school when i strong grip pulls him down. It was colby

co-"where are you going sammy"
s-"im getting ready for school"
co-"no your not your resting because jf i remember correctly you were shot yesterday"
s-"i need to go into school though we have a really important test today"
co-"so what its just a test"
s-"yeah i test that determines if we graduate or stay back a year"
s-"come on colbs please let me go in i need to take this test"
co-"fine but you need to stay by my side your mum is still out there remember"
s-"yeah i know"
co-"alright then lets go"

(total words=666) (no motervation and horrible mental health) (hope your enjoying my story so far)

its ok sam (shapeshifter au) solbyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora