pt-5 (sorry for any bad spelling)

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                        sams pov

My head still ackes from when my mum hit me round the head. I beg and beg her to let me stay at home but she says i have to go in even if i have a really bad head ingury. I start getting ready for school and i almost pass out, one reason being my head and the other being because my leg started to bleeding again. I tryed not to let it bother me and start to walk to the bus stop. I make it just in time to get on the bus and i see colby is already on the bus. I start walking over to him and a wind of weakness hits me and i almost pass out. I start to loose my balence but luckly colby catches me before i hit the ground. He askes me if im ok so i just say i had a bad sleep and end it at that.
                  end of sams pov

The bus arives at their school and they get off the bus. colby still asks sam if hes ok because sam keeps on almost passing out. Sam just says hes fine but colby can tell hes lieing because sams ears and tail are down. Sam ends up fully passing out and colby rushes to the medical office where he gets checked out. The doctors say he passed oit from a head injury and a lack of blood loss. Colby knew that something was going on after he left but he couldnt go back. Colby thanks the doctor and tells them to leave so he can check something. (not smut) The doctor leaves and colby starts lifting sams joggers up and stops when he gets to the cuts. Sam starts to wake up so colby pulls his jogger leg down and decides to question sam about it once he is fully awake.          

                      5 minutes later

                     start of speech
(colby=co) (sam=s)

co-"hey sam i need to ask you something!"
s-"sure what is it?"
co-"its about your leg!"
s-"wh-what about my leg? (worried)
co-"you know what im talking about sam! you cant deny it!"
s-"i-i really dont know what your talking about colby! there isnt anything wrong with my legs (really shaky)
co-"we both know your lying sam! please tell me the truth"
s-"i dont need to tell you the trush because im not lying (protective)
co-"then lift up you joggers sam!"
s-"wh'what no!! i dont need to because there is nothing wrong!! why dont you believe me colby!??"
co-"i wish i could believe you sam but i already saw"
s-"i- please tell me no one else saw!!! and please dont tell anyone"
co-"dont worry sam nobody saw and i wont tell anyone! but why did the doctor say something was wrong with your head?"
s-"please dont tell anyone but my mum hit me round the head with a glass bottle and forced me to go to school today!"
co-"i- sam im so sorry i shouldnt of left yesterday"
s-"no colby its fine!"
co-"no its not you got hurt after i left"
s-"colby stop its not your fault"
                      *bell rings*
s-"we should probably get to class now"
co-"no sam you stay here ill tell the teacher that your in here"
s-"ok fine! but please dont tell him what i told you!"
co-"i wont sam i promise"

                    *colby leaves*

                     end of speech

total words = 588) (the next part is going to be longer hope fully but it depends on my motervation and mental health) (im still trying to post 2 parts a day but if i cant im sorry)


its ok sam (shapeshifter au) solbyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon