pt-12 (sorry for and bad spelling)

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(i have to write 3 parts today so dont expect them to be very long or good sorry)

(police officer=pc) (colby=co) (sam=s)

Two months pass and sam is still living with colby at his house. Tommorow is his day for court. sam is really nervous because he isnt sure if he is going to win or not. Colby trys to comfort sam and sam start to calm down almost falling asleep.

Alot has happened in the 2 months they were together. Sam and colby are much closer now and are kind of like friends with benifits they only cuddle and sleep together but not always.

A few minutes later sam and colby hear a knock on the door. Colbys parent are out on a buisness trip again so the boys are left on their own, Colbys parent come back tommorow for the court day though. Colby goes down stairs to open the door to see its the police man who arrested cindy.

pc-"dont forget its your court day tommorow!"
co-"yeah we wont sam is upstairs panicking about it"
pc-"oh well i dont know if i will be yhere tomorrow so if im not i wish you the best"
co-"thank you"
pc-"well i better get going now cya"
co-"yeah cya"

Colby closes the door and goes back up to sam who is rocking backwards and forwards panicking about tomorrow. Colby trys to calm him down again by giving him headpats but sam just ends up falling asleep in colbys arms.

co-"its ok sam we will win i promise!"

sam moves his head to get more comfortable and colby lies down so they were both comfortable.

After about 3 hours colbys oarents get home. They shout up the stairs to say they were back but got no responce. colbys mum runs up the stairs to see the two boys lying together pat (colbys mum) pulls her phone out of her pocket and takes a pictute of the two boys sleeping together.

After about 10 minutes ater pat went upsairs sam starts to wake up. He opens his eyes and sees he is lying ontop of colby. Sam lets a little squeal with wakes colby up. Colby sits up and looks at sam.

co-"are you okay sam you screamed is everything okay!??"
s-"yeah in fine colby its just a little embarassing to see i was lying ontop off you!"
"co-"oh okay! do you want to go back to sleep?"
s-"sure i guess"
co-"okay ill let you get comfy first"
s-"is it alright is we get some food first im a little hungry!?"

they go down stairs and colby makes sam some of his favourite food. Once its done sam askes if he can eat it in colbys room. Colby says sure and asks if he could go up too sam says sure. Once sam was done eating he took the pkate down stairs and went back into colbys room for some cuddles.

(total words = 486) (1 done 2 to go) (not me chilling on no motervation and no good mental health in sight)

its ok sam (shapeshifter au) solbyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora