pt-8 (sorry for any bad spelling)

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They get on the bus and after a few minutes the bus arrives at school. Sam and colby get off the bus and start walking to class. Once they get to class the bell rings, sams ears go down because he was right next to the bell. Colby puts his hands over sams ears to block the noise out. They walk into the class room and sit down in their seats. The second bell rings and the teacher arrives. He starts handing out the test sheets. Sam gets on with it straight away but colby doesnt know anything because he is newish and hasnt learnt most of the stuff on the test yet. Colby raises his hand and tells the teacher and the teaches takes the test away from him and tells colby to just sit in silence till the test is over and that he will graduate anyways.

                          sams pov

The test is pretty hard but i revised so i should be ok. i see out of the corner of my eye that the teacher is taking colbys paper away from him. Did he cheat or something? But then i remembered that he was newish so he hadnt learnt some of the things that were on the test.

After about 1 hour or so i finish the test before anyone else. I raise my hamd and tell the teacher im finished and that i checked through it. He tells me that i can leave with colby. Colby then forces me to go to the principles office to ask if we can go home. Luckly the princible says we can without us giving a reason. We get on the next bus home but what we dont realise is that there is only one other person on the bus and thays the driver. We get in and pay for the ride and tell the driver where we are going so we dont have to ring the bell. The driver  looks at me in a  me in a very weird way. Normaly we go straight past my mums house to get to colbys house but the driver stops at my mums house. We ask the driver why they stopped at this house and the driver puts on this gas mask. The bus starts filling up with this unknown gas and me and colby both pass out.

After a very long time We both gain concesness to see that we are in my mums basement tied up by the wrists. I start to panic when i see my mum walking down the stairs. Colby trys to calm me down but i just can. Colby yells at my mum telling her to let us go but she just keeps saying no. I start to panic even more to the point where i cant breath.

                  end of sams pov

                    start of speech

c-"you ruined my life sam the day you were born. I regret having you so much and when i shot you it really pissed me off when i heard you had survived. And that got me wondering" (walks closer to sam and lifts his head up to squish his cheecks) ((trust me it hurts its happened to me so many times)) "is it because your little botfriend over here is a vampire and did he or did he not bite you? oh wait you dont need to answer that question i already know the answer to it.
s-"just let us go we will stay out of your life from now on you can be alone like you have always wanted"
c-"how about no! how about i sellbyou instead to get more money. i could sell you to the ********'s or the *****'s or even the ***********'s"
co-"why would you even suggest selling your son for money"
c-"did you now hear me the first time he is a disapointment to the family and doesnt deserve to be in the golbach family anymore"
co-"yeah but that doesnt mean you sell your only child"
c-"he isnt my only child i have a successfull daughter and a successful son unlike sam.
co-"sam you have sibling and never told me?"
s-"i didnt want to"
c-"ok!!! enough with the chit chat!! im trying to think abiut who i should sell sam to.
co-"how about the brocks?"
c-"thats a gr- wait your agreeing i should sell sam?" (she doesnt know that colby is from the brock family)
co-"no i would never!! its just a sugestion!"
c-"i mean they are really rich and sam is a rare breed so i can get i shit ton for him, think about how rich im gonna be!!"
s-"please dont sell me to them" (in a  sarcastic way)
c-"let me think about it how about yes"

                   end of speech

(total words = 810)
(we did it with no motervation and shit mentak health lets go)
(i so hope yall are enjoying my story even though its an animal au)

its ok sam (shapeshifter au) solbyWhere stories live. Discover now