pt-11 (sorry for any bad spelling)

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(hi sorry there will be no speech or povs in this part in too unmotervated it might also be a shorter one)

The police officer put handcuffs on cindy (and no not colbys fluffy handcuffs) and takes her to the car. She kept on kicking and screaming like a child. Sam started to cry becuase he could finaly live his life without someone controling it. Colby goes over to sam and hugs him really tight.

colbys parent drive to sams house so he can pick up some of his things. Sam and colby get out the car and walk into the house. Sam goes upstairs and starts packing and colby goes into the guest room. Sam comes out with all his things and calls colby asking for help to carry the things down the stairs. Colby goes to help sam and grabs some of the things from his hands. They load the car up and colbys parents drive off to their house.

After about a 20 minute drive that arrive at colbys house. Sama nd cilby unload the car and put sams things into the guest room. they both start unpacking. It takes then a good 20 minute trying to figure out where everything should go.

Once they finish they get called down stairs by colbys mum for something. Its the police officer from earlyer. He came to tell sam that he needs to go to court in about 2 months from now about what happened with his mum. He agrees and the officer leaves. Sam and colby go back upstairs to chat some more about studying and homework.

Ater about 30 minutes of the police officer leaving colbys dad calles them down for dinner. Sam says hes not hunger and colby goes down to get a blood bag. Colby comes back upstairs to see sam wasnt in his room where colby had left him. Colby starts panicking and starts searching everywhere untill he find sam in his room. Sam says he just went to the toilet and came back.

Hours go by and sam ends up falling asleep leaning up against colby. Colby doesnt want to move because he is scared he will wake sam up. Sam starts hugging colby round the waist and everything colby trys to escape sam ends up pulling him back.

(total words=386) (im so sorry this is such a short part) (im also sorry because im not writing part 12 till tomorrow and i would normaly write 2 part not just 1 part) (there will be 3 parts coming out on 4/5/2023 so yh they might be short they might be long youll just have to wait and see) (hope your having a good day/morning/evening/night)

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