pt-14 (sorry for any bad spelling)

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During the break sams mum approches san and everyone goes to protect sam. Cindy says she just wants to sleack to sam really quickly. Everyone moves out the way but is still close just in case something happends.

(court judge=cj) (sam=s) (colby=co) (pat=p) (robert=r) (cindy=c) police officer=pc/axel=a) (kirk=k)

c-"listen hear you little shit if you put me is prison your going to have to live with someone you dont know and they might be gay. I just want the best for you i want you to be happy so what do you say you lie about all the things ive done to you and we restart huh!?"
c-"so your telling me i waisted all that breath for nothing!?"
s-"pretty much yeah"
pc enters
pc-"okay everyone break is over you can come back in now.
everyone goes back to where they were sitting
cj-"okay everyone i have my choice about the future of mrs golback! is there anything else anyone would like to say"
cindy looks back at sam with a menising look.
cj-"no okay then my choice was....."
silence fell in the room while the judge was anouncing what he choose. Cindy kept on looking bad at sam hoping sam would say something to get his mum out of the situation but he didnt he stayed quite the whole time.
cj-"......GUILTY. (hits hammer thing). mrs golbach you are guilty and will be spending all your life in prison!" (hits hammer thing again) "master golbach do you have any relatives you can live with?"
s-" no your houn-"
cj-"and who may you be?"
k-"my name is kirk golback and im sam golbachs father!"
k-"yes samuel its me im so sorry i wasnt in your life but i just couldnt handle your mother but im back now i hope you can forgive me and we can be a family again?"
s-"of cource i forgive you dad! i misssed you so much cindy said you died in a plane accident?"
k-"well she was just trying to cover up the truth! how about we catch up on some things?
s-"sure do you have a place near here?"
k-"no i just brought your mums old house are you okay with that?"
s-"yes of course i am"
k-"good oh and by the way i heard you were bisexual?"
s-"oh um yeah! are you mad or angry?"
k-"oh no no sam! im dating the police man from earlyer i told him to keep an eye on you!"
s-"wait what!?"
pc-"yep, by the way yku can call me axel!"
k-"so why dont you introduce us to your boyfriends family?:
s-"hes not my boyfriend!!"
a-"he deffonatly is"
they walk over to colbys family"
k-"hello there"
p-"oh hello there mr golbach"
k-"just call kirk"
(i can be bothered to wrige write anymore speech but they all introduce themselfs)
pat asks axel,kirk and sam to come round for dinner and they agree. They get to colbys parents house and robert and pat go into the kitchen to start making dinner. sam and his dad get to know each other a bit better while sam starts packing up his things to move back into his old house.

(total words=562) (im so sorry to leave this on a cliffghanger but i have no enrgy left) (i so hope the story makes sence at the minute) (i dont know how many mare parts there is going to be but yeah this was part 14)

its ok sam (shapeshifter au) solbyWhere stories live. Discover now