Chapter 5

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In a large open room, a young robotic girl stood to hit a training bag furiously. The girl figure was small in both her height and width. The majority of her body a slick black color so polished you could see your own reflection better than the reflection of a mirror, streaks of electric blue run across her like electricity. Her fighting was quick and effective like the fire in a dried forest.

"Sparkling rest, you worry too much about a war that does not concern you." a male voices

"I am a citizen of Cybertron, daughter of a Prime, how does this war not affect me." The girl fires back and round-house kicks the bag

"You are but a sparkling, you shouldn't need to worry..."

"What about, designation B -12 something..."

"Designation B-127 and he is a proven warrior." the male said stepping into view he was huge his frame mostly blue and red flames.

"He's only two years older than me and yet he is fighting this war. Father please, how can I be a proven warrior if you don't let me prove myself, please Father, I can help." the girl begged her father

"No, I will not put you in danger, end of the discussion, now go see your mother and not a word of the war to her you worry her too much already." the girls' father says walking out of the room

"Yes, Father." the girl mutters with narrowed eyes and gives the punching bag one final kick sending it flying across the room. She smiled for her father had unknowingly given her an idea, the idea may have been dangerous but at least it would get her in the field
- - -

+Arya pov

I was woken up by Sam screaming for me to get up saying that ours was being stolen. My eyes almost pop out of my head and jump out of bed putting on some shoes and run outside grabbing my bike. I pedal hard trying to catch up to our car and the thief inside of it, but when I got close I saw no one inside it was empty.

"What the hell?" I mutter to myself as Sam spazzes out

"Where are you going in our car, buddy? Where are you going?" Sam says as if the guy could hear us

"Hello? 911 emergency! My car has been stolen! I'm in pursuit! Right? I need all units, the whole squadron." Sam says

"Bring everyone! No, don't ask me questions, all right?" Sam shouts

"Sam are you sure that's the best way to go about this?" I ask but he ignores me

"My father's the head of the neighborhood watch!" Sam says bitterly

Whoever's driving our car leads us to a junkyard Sam and I climb off our bikes and run after the car but have to wait for the train to pass. I spot our car stand up on two legs.

"What the hell? Sam, do you see this?" I ask in shock watching the yellow Camaro point a bright light at the sky before I could react my head starts throbbing

"Ugh god, my head, Sam it hurts," I mumble holding my head in pain

"My name is Sam Witwicky. Whoever finds this, my car is alive. Okay? You saw that?" Sam says

"Wow thanks, you care so much," I mumble in annoyance

"Since this is my lasts words on Earth. I just wanna say, Mom, Dad, I love you, and if you find Busty Beauties under my bed, it wasn't mine. I'm holding it for Miles. No, no. wait for that... okay that's not true, It's mine and Uncle Charles gave it to me I'm sorry. Mojo, I love you." Sam says to his phone before closing it

"You're disgusting you know that right? Truly disgusting." I say looking at him in pure disgust

"Uh Sam, we should run like... now," I say watching the guard dogs growl at us and watch them break free from there chains

"No! No! No! No! Oh, my god. No, you're a good dog! Good dog! Good dog!" Sam screams trying to get the dogs to stop chasing us

"Whoa! Hey, hey! All right! Oh! No! No!" Sam cries as we run away from the dogs. Sam clumsily goes through the obstacles while I dive over the bars and slide under other objects

'I knew I should've done more running' I think to myself looking back to see one of the dogs snapping at my leg.

"Sam there," I say pointing to higher ground (not by much) and climb onto it helping Sam up as well

"God what are we going to do, we're trapped on a pile of crates with rabid dogs trying to eat us." Sam cried trying to scare the dogs away until our car flies through the wall like the fucking kool-aid man and circles around us scaring off the dogs

"Holy shit" I mumble watching our car circle us

"Okay please, please don't kill me!" Sam shouts "I'm sorry! take the keys! I don't want them! Car's yours!" Sam shouted throwing the cars at the car as I hide my face in his shoulder and out of nowhere Sam starts running and I try to chase after him but my head starts throbbing again

"Sam!" I cry out holding my head as involuntary tears run down my face before I blackout
- - -

I woke on the ground of the junkyard holding my head looking around me quizzically.

"Ugh, so it wasn't a dream?" I question trying to get up but my bodies extremely achy right now

I look down at my phone and see that it's 2 am and mumble a few curse words under my breath and start running home trying to make it home before anyone noticed I was gone. When I get to the house I climb the porch fence, then the gutters, and onto the roof and slide into my room on the second story through the window.

"I could be a frickin ninja/" I whisper happily and dive into bed wanted to get at least some sleep before I have to wake up in the morning to hang out with my friends


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