Chapter 13

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       The young female robot was standing on a balcony watching as everyone fought the Cybertronian war. Once she could no longer see her father she smiled and climbed down the balcony taking out a katana that was in its sheath and started to fight off the Decepticons that tried to near her. She made it to the open field where the heart of the war and started fighting off the Decepticons. She was, at the moment, fighting a rather large Decepticon and he was way stronger than her. She was backed into a corner and had nowhere to go until a plasma blast was shot into the Decepticons spark chamber and she looked up to see a familiar face.

"Kid what are you doing here? You aren't supposed to be here." Ironhide said scowling the girl as they both fought together

"I couldn't stand by and not help. I had to do something," she explains stabbing a nearing Decepticon

"Is that so... On your right" Ironhide said quickly and she turned to slice off the Decepticons head

"There's too many of them, you need to get out of here," Ironhide said dragging her away from the war and into and escape pod

"But Ironhide..."

"BlackFire, for once do as you're told. this is a war, I won't let you be killed because you want to be some hero, get in." Ironhide said and shoved into the pod and set coordinance for far away from the war

"Be safe, sparkling. We'll meet again, I promise you." Ironhide said as the pod took off with BlackFire panicking inside as she watched Ironhide fight Decepticons off

'This is the end. The end of Cybertron." she mumbled as she watched the dying planet finally give out

"Father! I'm sorry, Father!" She screaming hoping he could hear her
- - -

+ Arya pov

"The cube's okay?" Sam askes me

"Yeah, it's fine," I answer

"Look I'm sorry I didn't tell you about, you know, you being adopted. I just didn't want to make you feel alienated." Sam said

"Yeah well, you can't just keep that kind of stuff from me. Mom and Dad, I understand but Sam, you, and I tell each other everything. How can I trust you with anything if you don't tell me something that important, I mean don't you think I'd want to find out who my real parents are?" I ask

"I know, I guess I was just scared that you'd want to leave us to be with them," Sam argued

"Sam, they gave me up, for what reason I don't know... You guys chose me, you guys wanted me, why would I leave you guys. Plus Mojo is my favorite in the whole world... I would never leave him." I joke smiling at my brother and giving him a hug

"So am I forgiven?" Sam asked

"Do you really think I'd hug you if you weren't? I say raising a brow at him

"Good point." He says chuckling

"Aw, you guys that really touching but can we have heart-felt conversations later when we're not about to die," Mikaela said panicking and pointing to vehicles chasing after us.

"Yeah, that seems fair." I mumble holding the cube tighter "There's Optimus"

       I was holding the cube tightly in my arms and the whole I felt this power like energy just running through me. It made me feel like I could do anything. I look behind me and a shit ton of Decepticons chasing after but notice a familiar cop car also in the crowd.

"I thought you killed that thing." I say to Bee panicking only to get a confused whir as if saying 'so did I' in response

"block them, block them, block them." Sam was chanting to Optimus and the others who obviously couldn't hear him

"Holy fuck" I breath out watching the biggest one transform into an even bigger bad guy

"I there any chance we could go faster," I ask nervously and feel the seat belt tighten around

'Hang on honey." Bee said making me blush yet again until I see the monster like Decepticon tackle Optimus and they wrestle around until Optimus kills it

       We finally make it into Mission City and meet up with Lennox and Epps and their squadron and we see an F-22 fly over us but when I see the jet circle around I realize it wasn't the U.S. Air Force and Ironhide only confirmed it.

"It's Starscream!" Ironhide screams and he and Bumblebee flip a bus over to protect us "Back up take cover! Bumblebee!

"Bee no!" I shout but it was too late a missile shot at us standing Bumblebee flying back into a building and whining in pain

"Bee no, Bee," I say running up to him to see he was missing legs

"Oh Bumblebee god, no, please. It's ok, hey it's ok Bee. Look at me you're gonna be ok." I say trying to soothe him as tear well up in my eyes with each cry of pain that comes from him.

'I feel broken like my heart was ripped out of my chest and thrown into a fire watching him and hearing him in pain.'

"It's ok sweets, you're gonna be ok" I whisper to him placing my head against his until Sam comes over scream for Bumblebee to get up

"Sam, he can't! He lost his legs in the explosion." I say wiping the tears away

"Ratchet!" we both scream hoping the medic can help him but we got no response

'God please, he's gonna be ok. Please' I beg mentally as I let tears slip from my eyes


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