Chapter 18

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       BlackFire laid in the escape pod to tired to move. It's been weeks since she put on this pod, she still has no idea where it was taking her but she knew it was going to be a while until she got there. As the femme was about to drift off into a deep sleep something danged against the pod causing it to shake.

"What... what was that? What going on?" She questioned pulling herself up to the window until something else banged against the pod causing her to fall back when she finally pulled herself up to see what was happening she was caught in the middle of an asteroid belt.

       All at once asteroid hit the pod causing it to shake and spin viciously as BlackFire laid on the inside praying that she won't die still hoping that one day she'll see her family and friends again
- - -

+ Arya pov

       Alright so in case you think you missed anything, you did. Mom got marijuana or something and went complete psycho and the trip back home with her was even worse, oh and Leo felt the need to share that he has a huge crush on this blond chick... yep you're welcome.

       When I got home I went straight to Mikaela's garage because I know she's still there.

"Hey Kaela," I say walking in

"Hey, this is our first live chat date. I've never done it before. I'm kind of nervous." Mikaela says smiling at her dog

"Aw, how sweet. I'm going to get a snack you want anything... from your fridge?" I ask awkwardly then smiled and wanted into the kitchen grabbing some chips and a soda

"Hey, you get a hold of Sam yet?" I ask but see Mikaela's sad face as she takes a sip of my soda "Oh sorry... chips?" I offer awkwardly and she grabs a handful "Oh are we still going back to the shop tomorrow, I need to get Bee his favorite shampoo and polish and you guys are the only people that have it."

"Yeah, of course, I know how much Bee loves it... and bath time," Mikaela said suggestively

"Why'd you say it like that?" I ask

"Seriously you don't know? God you're so oblivious... bath time... you are washing him... he gets a sneak peek" Mikaela explains slowly

"N-no he.... he would never," I say awkwardly trying to hide my blush as Mikaela laughs

"Let's face it you give him a show... and he appreciates it." Mikaela laughed almost falling out of her chair
- - -

"Hi, Bones! Hi. Hi. You're such a good boy." Mikaela cooed to Bones, her adorable dog, and I pet him

"Hey, Bones you hungry?" Mikaela asks pouring him some dog food but I see Bones staring at something

"Hey, Mikaela you have the sliver secured right?" I question looking at where Bones was watching as Mikaela answers the phone

"Yes, Samuel?" Mikaela asked in an annoyed tone

'Oh she's pissed'

"I can't believe you're gonna stand me up on our first web chat date," Mikaela said

'Ouch what a jerk'

"What you finally hit puberty?" Mikaela questioned making me cover my ears and give a 'really' face

"Since what?" Mikaela asked drawing my attention as she slowly stood up

"Yeah I have it, it's in the shop safe. It's fine, god what is with you Witwicky's and spazzing over stuff." Mikaela said

"Hey, I don't do that," I call out until out of the corner of my eye I saw something move

"I'm not gonna touch it, Sam. It's fine. It's locked away. No one knows where it is." Mikaela said before I heard a mouse trap hit metal

'That's not normal' I think grabbing a bat and slowly approach the sound as I turn the corner I see a tiny Decepticon trying to open the safe and wack him with my bat

"What the hell you are, Mikaela grab it!" I shout and she grabs him with some giant grabbing towns (I forgot its name sorry)

"Is that the best you got, huh? Is that the best you can do?" The thing shouts and I grab the blow torch and take out his eye with it

"What are you doing here. you little freak?" Mikaela asks shoving it into the shelf

"Ow, that's my eye, you crazy bitch!" The thing shouts

"You gonna talk now?" I threaten to hold the torch

"I seek knowledge from the cube. The Fallen demands me!" the thing rambles

"What knowledge?" I ask

"You got the shard, I need the shard. Give me the shard, I need the shard!" The thing shouts at us nervously "They're gonna whack me! I'm gonna be dead without that shard! Easy, warrior goddesses. I'm just a little salvage-scrap drone!" The thing says

"And we're your worst nightmare," Mikaela says

"Hey, hey, hey!" the thing shouts as we throw it in an empty toolbox and chain it up

"I'll tell you later, just not on the phone line, okay?" Mikaela says to Sam "We're gonna get on a plane right now and we'll be there this afternoon. Just be careful, Sam."

'Shit I forgot he was still there' I think as I grab the toolbox

"Who's up for a trip?" I sarcastically ask
- - -

       Mikaela and I were at the airline checkpoint getting ready to get on the plane.

"And have any strangers given you anything suspicious to carry on today?" a guy asks

'Yeah, a live bomb' the little shit shouts until I stomped my high heeled boots on the box

"No," Mikaela said flirtatiously



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