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+ Arya pov

So supposedly a sliver of the cube was stuck in Sam's disgusting old shirt, he found it dropped it, it burned through the floor causing the fire, and brought the kitchen utensils to life. Oh yeah, one more thing, Sam told Bee that he can't take him to college with him, yeah broke his adorable soul.

"Oh my gosh! Look at this place!" Mom says admiring the rather large college "I feel smarter already"

"Yeah that not how it works Mom." I say grabbing one of Sam's boxes "Be good sweets"

"Ron, can you smell it?" Mom asks

"Yeah, smells like $40,000 a year," Dad remarks making me chuckle

"Hey, cheap-o!" Mom warns

"Hey, go ahead. We'll get your stuff. Just go ahead and check out your room." Dad says to Sam and me as we walk up to his dorm room

"This is actually kind of exciting. I've never been to a college before, what do you think Sammy?" I ask as we approach his room door

"It's not bad," He says opening the door and we see some kid already hanging up posters on the left have to of the room

"Hey, you're Sam, right? I'm Leo." Leo says shaking Sam's hand "So I already set up the crib a bit. You this side or that side?"

"Uh, that side." Sam answers

"I already chose that side," Leo remarks

"So what was the point of asking that then?" I say raising a brow at Leo

"Well hello, hot stuff, what's your name?" Leo asks flirtatiously

"Arya, and you're not my type," I answer with a smirk

"You know what this is? This is an awkward moment." Sam says as both he and Leo look at each other "Yeah see, you're trying to see if I'm a normal guy. I'm trying to see if you're a normal guy... Balanced, unmedicated, nothing under the crawl space."

"Good personal hygiene, won't stab me in my sleep" Leo adds raising a brow

"No criminal record, won't steal anything," Sam says

'You know it's funny that you say that Sam' I think trying to hold back a chuckle

"Yeah seems like a normal enough guy to me," I say in annoyance looking around the room and see suggestive posters of women in bikini and stuff.

"Including girlfriends." Leo quickly adds

"Especially girlfriends" Sam confirms

"You got a girlfriend?" Leo asks

"I do" Sam answers "You?"

"No, not a chance. You guys techie?" Leo asked out of nowhere

"Um not really, why?" I ask and Sam gives a somewhat head nod

"Sweet! Sharsky. Fassbinder, where we at?" Leo shouts as we walk into a backroom

"Wow, you too are perfect for each other both extremely weird," I mumble

"Server's almost online, Leo."
"Network's up and running."

"Beautiful, that's what I like to hear," Leo says sitting down in a chair

'What in God's name is this?'

"That's Sharsky, that Fassbinder. my IT gurus. Welcome to my empire, bro. That's me, I'm sure you've heard of it." Leo says cockily

"God he's even weirder than you, Sam," I mutter rolling my eyes at Leo

"No, I haven't," Sam says nonchalantly

"Well, that sucks," Sharsky says finally looking up at us but looks at me wide-eyed

"Yes, I'm a girl I know you probably haven't seen many but we don't like to be stared at like that," I say making him turn away

"What is all this for?" Sam askes

"See where I'm going, bro." Leo says "Look, call me gross, I want to be a baby billionaire... Kitten calendars. That's where I started. Look at me now. Got to have dreams, bro."

"You didn't have any friends in high school did you?" I say raising a brow because this guy is borderline crazy

"Leo! We got some brand-new Shanghai vid!" Sharsky, I think, announced

"Post-it, baby! Go, go, go! FTJ! FTJ!" Leo shouts

"What's FTJ?" Sam askes

"Fuel the Jet." Leo answers "Fuel the Jet, bro. FTJ. FTJ. Legit!"

I notice that it's a video of Optimus taking down a giant Decepticon in Shanghai.

"Sam, they're alien nerds," I whisper to my brother nervously

"Just like the alien robots in LA two years ago that everyone covered up," Leo announced making me even more nervous

"It looks fake to me," Sam says

"Dude, it's not fake." Fassbinder says "The internet is pure truth. Video doesn't lie."

"It looks fake to me," I say

"No, chica, I've seen them." Sharsky says "They're like these robots"

"Look it's fake and I wasn't there." Sam says trying to make them believer him "So I can't comment or speculate"

"Comment or speculate? And we're supposed to cohabitate?" Leo asks in disbelieve

"Surprise," I say sarcastically

"No, listen, okay? Don't be sucking the sack, bro!" Leo says

"What ball sack?" I stupidly ask


"Dude, what kind of tool are you?" Sharsky asked

"Mainstream media sack. They're lying to us, all right?" Leo says giving closer to Sam and me "It's aliens, man... Follow me."

"Leo bad news. We just got scooped. The video's already up on GFR" Sharsky says

"Damnit, Sharsky" Leo growls "Robo-Warrior, the guys our main competition on conspiracy stuff. Effing was my F-ing idea and he stole it! He's been linking to my site and thieving his forever. By the way. I read your file. I'm poor, you're poor. We're gonna fix that, all right? You work for me now."

'This guys psychotic'

"I work for you now? That's incredible." Sam says sarcastically "It's first of college, I got a career in a dinky internet firm. With a boss who is made up of just pure champion stuff."

"Are you mocking my life's work, Samuel?" Leo asked getting in Sam's face "That's your one warning don't make me have Fassbinder hack your financial aid 'cause I'll do it!"

Sam and I simply walk out to talk to the Ra who was walking by.

"Listen, It's getting a little intense in my room. Can I switch out?" Sam asks

"By intense he means psychotic." I correct

"Oh sad face, 312. No switching. No trading. Let's turn that frown upside down, okay?" the RA says walking away

"She is horrible at her jump" I mutter as I watch Mom and Dad come over with Sam's things

"It's just like Hogwarts," Mom says making me roll my eyes

'This going to be great'


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