Chapter 31

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+ Arya pov

"Come on," Sam says trying to guide Mikaela as I slide across the hood of a car trying not to slow down.

"Sam! Arya!" I hear someone shout causing me to turn my head

"Mom? Dad? No, no, no, no they can't be here." I mumble about to run towards them but notice a giant Decepticon and try to alert Sam but it was too late the thing practically pounced down on him

"Wait, wait! Please listen to me! I want you to run! Run!" Dad shouts at Sam and me

"Dad, just stop! They don't want you, they want us!" Sam shouts

"Please, don't hurt them. This is what you want. You don't want them." I say grabbing the matrix dust from Sam's pocket and hear Mom and Dad shout for us to go in the background

"Please stop," Sam says to Mom and Dad

"Just get out of here!" Dad shouts

"Listen to your father!" Mom shouts but I glance back and see Bee sneaking up on the Decepticon

"And I know that you need me because I know about the Matrix." Sam adds "Here's what you, right here."

"Bumblebee!" I shout and Bee tackles the Decepticon

In the middle of their fight, I saw Bee put his face shield down.

'Shits about to get real. This guy doesn't know who he's messing with.' I think trying to hold back a smirk

"Kill him, Bee. Kill him." Sam spazzes out

Bumblebee jumps off the building and kicks the Decepticons face into multiple pieces, breaking its arm and leg in the process as well but as Bee stands once more the leopard resembling Decepticon pounces on his back startling him but he reaches back grabs it, rips its tail from the rest of its' body and uses it as a whip.

'Well, that's a bit twisted...'

"Stay tight, Ma," Sam shouts running over to Mom and Dad and I turn back the see Bee rip the Decepticons arms from its' body finishing the fight

"Bee, you good?" I ask in a shout from his barbaric acts and he sheepishly nods back at me

"I don't know what's going on, but we've got to move!" Dad shouts in panic before the building s we were between exploded

"Against the wall, against the wall." Sam and I shout pushing them all against the wall

"Bee! Bumblebee!" Sam shouts and Bee comes around the corner and looks at us with wide eyes

"You get them somewhere safe, all right?" Sam orders and Bee nods before glancing at me

"You've got to get in the car and get to safety," Sam says to Dad

"No, this isn't up for discussion! You're my son! You're my kids!" Dad shouts "We all go together!"

"Dad stop, okay? Get in the car. He's gonna get you to safety. You run." Sam orders

"You don't stop, you don't hide, you run. You hear what we're saying?" I say and Dad nods

"We'll find you when you're safe," Sam shouts

"NO" Dad argues

"You gotta let us go, Dad," I say

"Ron. Ron, let him go." Mom says

"You come back! Come on." Dad shouts

"Go with my parents." Sam tries to order Mikaela

"I'm not gonna go without you," Mikaela says before we start running again and while running I realize that I haven't given Sam the Matrix back

"Sam the Matrix, here," I say trying to hand it to him

"No, you take care of it, you're the fastest runner if we don't make it to Optimus you will take it," Sam says pushing it back into my chest and we start running again dodging all the shots scattering across the sandy ground around us

"Ironhide!" Sam shouts as we see Ironhide show up with three Arcee, Chromia, and Elita-1

"Follow us to the pillars. We'll take you to Optimus." Chromia said before being shot and killed

"Get out! Get to the pillars!" Ironhide shouts to us and we do as told

As we get closer to the pillars I start sprinting faster, pushing myself harder than I've ever done in my life. I had gotten so far ahead of Sam and Mikaela I couldn't even see them anymore.

"Arya! Spotted Arya!" I hear someone shout from a little ways away

'Almost there, just a little further. Almost there, come on don't give up now.' I think to myself pushing myself to go faster

"Come on!" Lennox shouts "Come on! Get in here!"

"Look who showed up" I joke slightly trying to catch my breath

"You better have a good reason for us to be here." Lennox lectures

"Only to save the whole planet, no big deal." I say sarcastically "Where's Optimus?"

"He's right over there, across the courtyard," Lennox says pointings to Optimus' lifeless body

"I gotta get to him right now," I say

"Not with an airstrike coming," Lennox argues

"I have to get to him right now" I argue back

Before we could continue our argument Decepticons started shooting at us again and Jetfire also came falling from the sky killing the Decepticons.

"You gotta stick with me, you understand? You stay on my ass," Lennox orders me and I nod

"I told them to hit the orange smoke," Epps said causing me to glance at him and then at the orange smoke directly next to us and I see Lennox glance over to the smoke and back

"You mean that orange smoke?" Lennox asked

"It wasn't my best toss, okay?" Epps says making me gulp nervously

"Viper, thunder," The radio says

"RUN!!!!" Lennox and Epps scream causing me to sprint behind them

"Incoming!" Epps shouts

I start to fall behind slightly and notice a giant Decepticon not too far from me.

"Shit," I say trying to pick up my pace to outrun both the Decepticon and explosion

"Arya!" I hear Lennox shout and before I could dive behind a boulder the ground below is shot at sending me flying in the air and I lose consciousness altogether


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