Chapter 23

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+ Arya pov

"This guy, Robo-Warrior, everything about anything alien, he's supposed to know." Leo ranted on

"God, why don't you just marry him already, you've been talking about him for hours." I say rolling my eyes "Hey why did I have to sit next to him?"

"Because I'm driving and Mikaela's my girlfriend so shotgun is reserved for her," Sam says

"I hate that stupid rule," I mumble feeling the seat belt tighten around me a bit as if the comfort me

"One time we revenge-hacked his site and maybe I saw some of your alien drawings or whatever," Leo said and we pulled up to a rusty deli shop

"This is the place?" I ask and Leo nods

"Why does that not surprise me" I mumble getting out of the car and grabbing the box

"What's in that thing, you've been carrying around ever since you got here?" Sam asks and I hear Bee give a whir supporting Sam's question

"All in good time, gentlemen. All in good time." I say giving a light pat on the hood

"Alright wait here. I'll give the go/no go. All right?" Leo said walking into the shop

       After a few minutes of watching Leo converse with some guy that I couldn't see Sam, Mikaela, and I walked into the store.

"It's him! It's him! That's the guy right here! That's him!" Leo shout causing all the customers to look at him

"You have got to be fucking kidding me." I mumble as I make eye contact with 'Robo-Warrior' or better known as Seymour Simmons

"Seymour, wow, living life up in the city I see," I say sarcastically

"Alright meat stores closed. Everybody out! Out, right now! That means you, lady. Right now!" Seymour shouts pushing customers out the door

"Wait a minute. You guys know this guy?" Leo asks

"Oh yeah, we're old friends," Sam mumbles sarcastically

"Old friends? You're the case that shut down Sector Seven, got the kibosh, disbanded. No more security clearance. No retirement, no nothing. All 'cause of you, your sister, and your little criminal girlfriend. Look at them now, so mature." Seymour says looking Mikaela and me up and down and in the distance, I heard Bee rev his engine

"Moron! Where's the whitefish?" an old lady says

"Hey, don't touch me with the pig." A weird-looking man shouted



"You don't get Christmas bonuses standing around! You want those new teeth you on SkyMall?" Seymour asks

"It's my dream," Yakov says slamming down a hammer

"Go help her out." Seymour orders

"You live with your mom?" Mikaela questions

"No, my mama lives with me. It's a big difference." Seymour argued

"So... when can we meet the family?" I ask with a fake innocent smile

"They got your faces all over the news, alien lovers," Seymour said to Sam and me

"Yeah we know," Sam says

"And NBE One's still kicking, huh?" Seymour says looking at me

"How did that happen? Don't answer." Seymour says as I was about to answer "I don't know what you're hiding, but I don't want anything to do with it. So, goodbye. You never saw me. I got bagels to schmear. Vanish."

"Can you give us like five seconds? Look, hold on, we need your help." Sam begs

"Really? You need my help?" Seymour asks sarcastically

"I need... Look, I am slowly losing my mind. Okay, I had a little crab-bot, plunged a device deep into the soft tissues of my brain and started projecting little alien symbols like a freaking home movie! And on top of that. I'm a wanted fugitive. So, you think you got it rough?" Sam rambles

"You said it projected images off your brain?" Seymour said


"Meat locker, now!" Seymour shouts and we follow behind


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