Chapter 22

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+ Arya pov

       All of us were sitting by a fire in silence but it was a comfortable silence. Mikaela was sitting on an old raggedy chair, Sam and Leo on a log, Bumblebee, and I on the opposite log. Sam walks over to Mikaela and she embraces him in a hug.

"There's nothing that you could have done." She whispers to him and I feel myself sadden remembering the way Optimus looked at me as he's eyes lost the light that was in them

       The look Optimus gave me felt familiar. It was like after two years of knowing him he finally figured out who I was to him. I have never felt more touched and guilty than I did at that second.

'What did he see in me? When we first met who did I remind him of?' I think to myself so engrossed in my thought I didn't even realize Sam was talking until Bee wrapped an arm around me and held me securely to his side

"If you hate me, I understand." Sam whispers not wanting to look at him "I messed up, I'm so sorry."

"Sam, you and Arya are the people I care about most in my life. If there's anything you need, I won't be far away." Bee said

"He's dead because of me. He came here to protect us and he's dead." Sam whispers

"There are some things you just can't change." Bee says looking at me with a sad look "So, his sacrifice for us would not have been in vain. Hallelujah!"

"I'm gonna make it right. I'm going to turn myself in." Sam says

"You can't," I say standing up

"We...we've got to stick together." Bee said panicked as Sam walked away from him "Everything we worked for will be wiped out in one day!"

"You two..." Sam says to Mudflap and Skids

"Huh?" they both said together being as oblivious as ever

"Hey, you know the glyphs?" Sam asked "These? The symbols that have been rattling around in my head?"

"Ow, that's old school, yo. That's like... That's Cybertronian." Skids said and I get a slight sting in my head making me grab it and hiss in pain only hear Bee give a concerned whir

'This feeling it's like...It's like I know the symbols like I've seen them before I just don't know where.'

"I'm...I'm fine Bee, really I'm ok. It's just a headache." I whisper

"That's some serious stuff, right there," Mudflap adds

"They gotta mean something like a message or like a... like a" Sam starts until I finish it

"Like a map, Starscream was saying that you could lead them to the last Energon source on Earth," I say and they give me odd looks

"What I listen" I sass

"Can you read this?" Sam asks

'They don't peg me for the reading type.'

"Read?" Skids repeats

"No. We don't really do much reading." Mudflap answer awkwardly
"Not so much." Skids agrees

'That's what I thought'

"Well, if you guys can't read it. We gotta find someone who can." I say and walk over to Bee to see him already watching me

"What?" I ask

"Nothing, I just like it when you take control of situations, it's badass," Bee says making me blush

"Oh shut up," I say trying to hide my smile but failing completely

"Oh look who came sashaying back!" Skids says and we turn our attention to Leo

"You ok champ?" I ask sarcastically and he responds with a sarcastic laugh

"Hair growing like a chia pet, look at him." Mudflaps say making me chuckle

"Look I made cute thang laugh. I told you I could." Mudflaps say shoving Skids and I notice Bee narrow his eyes at Mudflap

"I had a bit of a mild panic attack earlier, right?" Leo says

"Ya think," I say leaning against Bee who started to warm up

"That's 'cause you a pussy," Mudflap said

"I think I'm allowed that, considering what I've been through. I heard you a problem. I think I know someone who can help." Leo said making me stand up straight

"Who?" I ask

"Robo-Warrior" Leo says

"You've gotta be fucking kidding me. You're little nerdy enemy?" I complain walking up to Leo but Bee grabs me before I could go any further shaking his head saying 'no' making me sigh

"Ok fine, where is this guy?" I give in


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