Chapter 12

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+ Arya pov

"Guys we have to get Bumblebee and the cube out of here," I say to Sam and Mikaela and Sam walks over to Seymour

"You have to take us to our car. You have to take us to our car. He's gonna know what to do with the cube." Sam says trying to persuade Seymour

"Your car? It's confiscated" Seymour answers

"Then unconfiscated it," I say

"We do not know what will happen if we let it near this thing!" Seymour shouts

"You don't know," Sam interjects

"Maybe you know, but I don't know," Seymour says

"You just wanna sit here and wait and see what happens?" I question in annoyance

"I have people's lives at stake here, kid," Seymour shouts and by then I decided that I've had enough of persuasion and decide to be a little more clear with the situation

"Take to our car!" I say shoving Seymour against the wall and here around be loaded and then it was like a Mexican standoff

"Drop it" Lennox shouts as soldiers start beating the shit out of the Sector Seven men

"I guess you guys aren't as good at your job as you think," I mutter to Seymour

"Drop your weapons, soldier," Seymour said to Lennox

"There's an alien war going on and you're gonna shoot me?" Seymour asks

"You know, we didn't ask to be here," Lennox answered and I tighten my grip on Simmons

"I'm ordering you under S-Seven executive jurisdiction," Simmons commanded

"S-Seven don't exist" Epps cut in as Glen is standing behind him holding his hands up

"Right. And we don't take orders from people that don't exist." Lennox says making me smirk

"I'm gonna count to five, okay," Simmons says trying to be a tough guy

"Well, I'm gonna count to three," I say grabbing a gun and putting on Simmon's chest

"Simmons?" H.D. cuts in

"I'd do what they say Losing's really not an option for these guys or girl." H.D. said making me smile and Simmons to look between me and H.D. multiple times as if saying 'you really want to trust these guys'

"All right, okay. Do you want to lay the fate of the world on little goldy-locks Camaro? That's cool." Simmons said sarcastically and I forcefully let him up and hand the gun back to Lennox

We run to where they were holding Bee but once I hear his pained screams I sprinted past everyone and ran into the room to them torturing Bee and quickly run to them as Sam, Mikaela, Lennox, and everyone else told the workers to stop

"Let him go," I call

"Hey, sweets, you ok?" I ask with saddened eyes and he turns his head to me a quickly but gently picks me up

"They didn't hurt you did they, sweets?" I asked him holding his face gently but obviously, they did because as soon as I said that Bee put his face shield down and opened his plasma blasters pointing it at the men

"Hey, hey it's ok you won't you anymore. It's ok, they look at me, I won't let them hurt you." I whisper to him calming him down enough for him to get rid of his shield and plasma blaster

"Hey, listen to me, The cube is here and the Decepticon is coming," Sam says but notices Bee still fearful of the people

"Hey don't worry about them they're fine," Sam says trying to calm Bee down as I am held in Bee's hand

"Just back up a little bit. He's friendly. He's fine." Sam says and Bee holds me tighter

"Come on we're gonna take you to the All Spark," Sam says as they Bee and I, still in his hand, to the All Spark

When we are standing in front of the All Spark Bee gently sets me down next to Sam and I overhear Lennox questioning why Bee grabbed me

"He's very protective of her, she may not know it but you hurt her you'll have to answer to him," Sam answers glancing at me and I look at him curiously

"Seriously do you not see the way he looks at you and you look at him?" Sam asks me

'Now that I think about it every time I get in the car the seat belt always tightens around me staying snug, the car always heats up when I touch him in any way, and also vibrates too. Oh my god, when I washed him, that makes so much sense now, why have I not connected that already?' I think then my eyes widen in surprise and I look at Sam and he nods causing me to look at Bee and see him holding the cube... but smaller.

'Oh my god, I have a crush on my car.' I think to myself not exactly knowing how to take this newfound information quite yet

"Message from Starfleet Captain, let's get to it." bee says looking at us and then moving his gaze to me making me blush slightly remembering the conversation Sam and I just had

"he's right. We stay here, we're screwed with Megatron in the other hanger. Mission City is 22 miles away. We're gonna sneak that cube out of here and we're gonna hide it somewhere in the city." Lennox says

"Good, right," H.D. says

"But we cannot make a stand without the Air Force," Lennox adds

"This place must have some kind of radio link! Shortwave, CB." H.D. said

"Right, yes," Seymour says

"Sir got to figure out some way to get word to them. Let's move." Lennox says like the total badass he is

"Right, well, I call shotgun." I say looking up at Bee with a playful smile and he hands the cube to me as he transforms " and apparently the dangerous alien cube."

I climb into the driver's seat of Bee and let Bee buckle me in and snug the belt around me causing me to blush a bit like Sam and Mikaela climb in as well.


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