Chapter 9

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+ Arya pov

"So... LadiesMan217, that is your eBay username, right?" the man said turning to look at Sam holding his phone and Mikaela and I give him strange looks because seriously how can you here that and not cringe a little

"Yeah, but, you know, it was a typo and I ran with it," Sam says trying to fix the situation

"What do you make of this?" the agent said pressing play to the video Sam took last night

'My name is Sam Witwicky, okay? And my...'

"Is that you?"

"Yeah that sounds LadiesMan," Mikaela said rolling her eyes

"Last night at the station, you told the officer your car transformed... Enlighten me." the agent said looking between Sam and me

"Well, here's what I said, okay? 'Cause this is a total misunderstanding that my car had been stolen..." Sam says

"Really," the agent says not believing a damn word Sam was saying

"Answer faster, Answer faster" I mutter to Sam making sure the agent couldn't me

"...from me, from my home, but it's fine now because it's back! It came back!" Sam said

"Answer better, Answer better," I mutter to him looking at him

"Well, not by itself," Mikaela interjected

"Obviously not" I add

"Because cars don't do that because that would be crazy," Mikaela said and gave a fake laugh causing everyone to do a fake laugh

"That's funny. That is so funny." the agent said and the laugh died "So what do you kids know about aliens, huh?"

"Oh, you mean, like a Martian? Like what, E.T.? No." Sam nervously says

"They aren't real." I quickly add in trying to save Sam's ass

"It's an urban legend," Mikaela adds as well

"You see this? This is an I-can-do-whatever-I-want-and-get-away-with-it badge." the agent said holding up a small giving me enough time to read his name really quick

"Right" Sam mumbles nervously

"I'm gonna lock you up forever." the agent said

"Your name is Seymour Simmons... Did your parents hate you or something?" I ask with a smirk

"Zip it blonde, as far as I'm concerned you two aren't even related," Seymour says

"What? What do you... Sam, what is he talking about?" I ask with wide eyes


"Oh they didn't tell you, you were adopted..." Seymour said before he was cut off by Mikaela

"Yes, Arya it's true." Sam mumbles

"Oh, God. You know what? Don't listen to him, Arya. He's just pissy 'cause he's got to go back to guarding the mall." Mikaela said giving him a challenging brow raise

"You, in the training bra. do not test me. Especially with your daddy's parole coming up." Seymour said

"What? Parole?" Sam asked

"Wait so you knew I was adopted and you didn't tell me!" I shout at Sam

'I'm adopted. Oh my god, that means I'm not actually a Witwicky... my whole life has been a lie. How could they not tell me, how could Sam not tell me?'

"It's nothing," Mikaela says

"Oh, grand theft auto, that ain't nothing?" Seymour challenged

"You know those cars my dad used to teach me to fix? Well, they... They weren't always his." Mikaela explained

"You stole cars?" Sam mumbled looking heartbroken

"Well, we couldn't always afford a babysitter, so sometimes he had to take me along," Mikaela said

"She's got her own juvie record to prove it! She's a criminal. Criminals are hot." Seymour said looking her over

"Hey, you creep stop looking at my friend like that!" I shout kicking his seat

       That'd be a real shame if he had to rot in jail for the rest of his natural life, and for you to go into foster care." Seymour said looking between Mikaela and me

       Seymour continued to blab on about something but my attention was drawn to the little metal-detector thing that was going crazy.

"It is time to talk," Seymour said in a threatening tone but before he says anything else something hit the car

"Big! It's big!" Seymour shouted as a bright light shone inside the car blinding us before a metal hand grabbed the hood of the car

"Go, go, go, go!" Mikaela shouted


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