Chapter 29

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+ Arya pov

"It's gotta be around here somewhere," Sam says not looking up at the giant building just to the right of us

"Have you looked to your right?" I asked rolling my eyes continuing towards the buildings

"You see the size of this?" Seymour asks

"It's kind of hard not too," I mutter climbing up the giant stairs

"You see this?" Mudflap asked

"Spectacular" Skids responds

"Amazing. Look at that." Seymour says and I myself admire the tombs beauty and everyone climbs inside except for the Bee and me

I watch as Bee stands tall and tense while guarding the entrance I would be gushing over how attractive he looked if not every time I saw him it only reminded me of what happened last night. The thought enters my and I scoot myself into the corner as if trying to hide myself from the embarrassment.

I finally, somehow, get bored of watching Bumblebee stand there like a fucking statue and into the tomb where they were a ruckus going on. I am met with Skids and Mudflap fighting each other and when they almost crushed me they were both grabbed by the back of their necks, their heads smacked together and thrown out of the tomb all by Bumblebee who is clearly very annoyed

I quickly draw my attention from the angry Bee to the hole in the wall.

"Sam come look at this, there's something behind this wall," I say as I take off the broken wall members

"Oh, my God. The symbols. Bee! Shoot it." Sam says as we all back away from the wall and Bee approaches the wall turning his hand into a cannon like the fucking terminator

'God I wish I was taller'

Bee blasts it and Sam grabs a flashlight, from where I don't fucking know, and climbs into the tomb and I follow behind him

"Woah, this is amazing," I say looking at the statue still Primes

"These are the bodies Jetfire was talking about," I whisper

"The tomb of the Primes" Seymour says

"Yo!" Leo shouts making me smack him upside the head

"Have a little respect will ya, god you fucking animal," I growl out

"Look there it is Sam," I say pointing to an almost dagger-like shaped object in one of the Primes hands

"The Matrix" Sam whisper and goes down grasping it at the ends of it but it crumbled into dust at Sams touch

"No" Sam mumbles

"Thousands of years turned to dust," Seymour whispered

"This isn't how it's supposed to end." Sam mumbles

"Hear that?" Seymour asked

"Is the sound of my soul being crushed?" I mumble

"No, it's the US Air Force! C-17s!" Seymour shouts running out of the tomb but I kneel down and try to put the dust back to its original shape

"It has to work." I whisper trying to push the tears away desperately trying to fix it " Come on, come on"

"Arya, Sam, you can't bring him back," Mikaela says sadly "There's nothing left."

"Look! Look around you. We didn't just go through everything we went through for no reason at all, to just have it end like this." Sam says to Mikaela

"There has to be a reason why it did that," I whisper

"There is a reason that we are here. The voices and the symbols in my head led us here for a purpose." Sam says taking off his sock and filling it with the Matrix dust

"Everyone's after me because of what I know, and what I know is that this is going to work," Sam says

"It has to work" I whisper helping him fill the sock

"How do you know it's gonna work?" Mikaela asked

"Because we believe it," I say and we leave the tomb

"Arya, Sam, they're dropping the big boy!" Seymour announces

"You guys think you can bring him back to life with that pixie dust?" Seymour asked us

"Absolutely. Let's go." Sam says as he and I rush to Bee

"That's them, right there," I say pointing to the flare but we were quickly shot at from up above

"The Decepticons are here," I say looking around trying to find them but I see Leo on the verge of crying like a fucking baby

"Oh god, please. God, I don't wanna die." Leo started shouting as tears streamed down his face

"Leo, stop freaking out. Stop freaking out." Mikaela said obviously annoyed with him but still trying to calm him down

"Shut the fuck up Leo!" I shout

"Please, just let me live, just let me live!" Leo continues to shout

"Shut up and let him drive for god sakes you pansy," I say before Seymour fucking tazes his ass

"That works too," I say awkwardly

"I can't take that guy anymore," Seymour says in annoyance

"Starscream nine o'clock" I shout and Bee just misses him and dust started flying up

"Hide in the dust! Use the dust!" Seymour shouts

"We have to split up. Bumblebee, you're the decoy. You lead the Decepticons away, all right? Arya and I are gonna get Optimus." Sam orders

"I'll help draw their fire with Huey and Dewey there," Seymour says pointing to Skids and Mudflap

"You kids get to those soldiers. I hope that dust works." Seymour says being genuinely kind to us

"Thank you," I say before Sam, Mikaela, and I start running towards Optimus' location


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