Chapter 24

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+ Arya pov

'Gross dead pigs' I think trying not to touch any of the dead animals

"What you're about to see is top secret," Seymour says

"Wow haven't heard that before" I mutter

"Do not tell my mother," Seymour says before opening a small door on the floor to show a ladder

"Swine flu. Not good." Sam said to Leo as he was about to touch a pig

"Now you know. Next time you eat a goat or a pig. There's a story behind it." Seymour says

"God you are so weird" I mumble shifting the box in my hands

"Okay, files, files. We're talking about symbols." Seymour mumbles

"Hey, still radioactive. Hands off." Seymour says smacking Leo's hand away from the mini-cons head that we fought two years ago

'Uh good times... not really, but you know I mean.'

"Okay, cube brain. Any of these look like the symbols you saw?" Seymour asked

"Where'd you get these?" Sam asked

"Before I fired, I poached S-7's crown jewel, over 75 years of alien research. Which points to one inescapable fact. The transformers, they've been here a long, long time." Seymour says climbing a dangerous pile of files and books

"How do I know?" he asks looking a book to Sam "Archeologists found these unexplained markings in ancient ruins all over the world. China. Egypt. Greece. Shot in 1932, these the symbols you're seeing in your head?"


"The same one's over here, right? So tell me, how did they end up all drawing the same things... Aliens, and I think some of them stayed. Check this out. Project Black Knife. Robots in disguise, hiding here all along. We detected radioactive signatures all across the country. I pleaded on my knees with S-7 to investigate it, but they said the readings were infinitesimal, that I was obsessed. Me, can you imagine that?" Seymour said smacking his fist on the table

"Yes," I say also smacking my hand on the table as well

"Yeah, Megatron said that there was another Energon source here," Sam says

"On Earth?" Seymour said

"On Earth"

"Okay? And that these symbols, maps in my head, would lead him there." Sam said

"You talk to your Autobot friends about this?" Seymour asked

"No, no, no, the source is before them." Sam says "Whatever the Energon source is, it predates them." Sam said

"So it comes before them," Seymour says

"Correct" Sam confirms

"Well, then we're porked, unless we can talk to a Decepticon," Seymour says and Mikaela and I look at each other and then the box

"I mean, I'm not on speaking terms with them, are you?" Seymour joked

"Actually we are," I say pointing between Mikaela and me

"Let me out!" the thing screams

"This is going to be a little bit sad," Mikaela warns as I open the box and out pops the Decepticon chew toy trying to break free

"I will have so many Decepticons on your butt!" it screamed

"Hey, behave," I warn and Mikaela holds the torch to it

"What is it, a Decepticon?" Sam asks


"And you're training him?" Sam asks

"Trying to," I say

"I spent my whole adult life combing the planet for aliens, and you're carrying around one in your purse like a little chihuahua," Seymour says watching it chew on the chains

"Do you want a throwdown. You pubic 'fro-head?" it insults making me chuckle

"We're sorry. We're sorry about your eye, you know, but you know if you're a good boy.." I say


"Then we're going to touch your other eye. Okay? We're not gonna torch it." I say smiling at him " Just tell me what these symbols are, please."

"I know that. That's the language of the Primes. I don't read it, but these guys... Where the frick did you find photos of these guys?" it asked

"Is this them?" sam asked holding up the pictures

"Yeah, Seekers, pal. Oldest of the old. They've been here thousands of years, looking for something. I don't know what, nobody tells me anything. But they'll translate those symbols for you, and I know where to find them." it said

"Show us" Seymour demanded

"The closet one's in Washington," it said

"Aw you're such a good boy, come on let's go," I say taking it with me and letting it sit on my lap the whole car ride much to Bee's annoyance


* So sorry that this chapter is so short I just didn't want to split the next chapter in half so I made this one shorter.

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