Chapter 16

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Earth, the birthplace of the human race, a species much like our own. Capable of great compassion and great violence. For in our quest to protect the humans, a deeper revelation dawns, our worlds have met before.
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+ Arya pov

       It has been two years since the war in Mission City and things have been calm ever since... but whole Bumblebee thing and I are complicated. Ever since I told Bee about my feelings of empathy for him, he's been weird like he's always in deep thought and sometimes arguing with himself saying things like...

'That's not possible only Cybertronians can feel... What if she.. no'

... now he isn't very subtle with his looking and flirting, and as for the whole being adopted thing Mom and Dad explained to me that they had found me in the woods when I was just a baby and they didn't want to tell me because they didn't know who my biological parents were. Also, I have been helping out with the secret government organization N.E.S.T. I'm not as hands-on with it as Lennox or Epps but I do my fair share, though I wish I could help out more.
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"Come on let's go! All hands on deck!" Dad shouts from downstairs "Frankie, Mojo, out! Come on kids, we're on a schedule." Dad continues to holler

"Well someone wants us to move out," I say chuckling at Dad's eagerness

"Slow down, Dad. Why are you in such a hurry to get rid of me?" Sam questions carrying a box outside

"Did you rent the room out?" I ask

"No, I got other ideas for your room and it rhymes with 'home theater'" Dad says

"Right" I mumble walking back inside the house with Sam to see Mom crying

"Mom, what's wrong?" I ask my dear crazy mother

"Look what I found It's your little baby booties." She says holding up and small pink pair and a white pair of baby booties

"Ma" Sam draws out

"My little baby-bootie babies," Mom says wrapping both in a hug

'Yep she isn't a little weird but hey... you never get used to it.'

"You can't go," Mom says mostly to Sam

"You see this, Dad? This is how you're supposed to react when the fruit of your loins goes out into the cruel world to fend for himself, okay?" Sam says to Dad while we were still squished in Mom's hug

"Yeah, my heart bleeds for you, pal. College, bummer!" Dad says sarcastically

"You have to come home for every holiday, not just big ones. You have to come home for Halloween." Mom says wiping her tears away

"I can't come home for Halloween, Mum," Sam says

"Well, then we'll come to you," Mom argues

"You're not coming," Sam tells her firmly

"No, we're not going anywhere," Dad adds in

"We'll dress up. We'll be in costumes, you'll never even know it's us." Mom reasons but Sam disagrees

"A little help please," Sam said looking at me expectantly

"No, I think Mom said she even has a coupon for Party City," I say smirking at my annoyed brother and blow him a kiss

"You can't do that, Mom," Sam says

"Would you let the kid breathe, for crying out loud? Come on, go pack. There's no way you're packing for a month-long trip. Come on, chop, chop! Let's go. March, young lady." Dad orders smacking Mom butt but Sam quickly put his hand over my eyes

"Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, whoa! We're watching what you're doing, Dad. It's not a rap video, poor Arya, she's a child." Sam says

"It's like a coaching thing." Dad tries to explain

"Whatever you say Dad" I mumble going up to my room

"That was a really creepy move just now, Dad." Sam continues

'God, sometimes they're just too much to deal with.' I think to myself as I get ready for the car trip to Sam's college is

"Now I'm crying again! This sucks!" Mom calls from the hallway outside my door

"You're gonna be okay, Ma," Sam says

I finally decide to go back downstairs once I've gotten all my stuff together.

"What are you talking about, Dad?" Sam asks as we walk out of the house

"There's gonna be a lot of women there," Dad warns

"*gasp* Shocker," I say smirking

"Yeah well, I'm a one-woman kind of guy," Sam argues

"Look, Mikaela's the greatest..." Dad starts

"But you gotta give each other room to grow, okay?" Dad reasons

"You're no different than any other couple your age," Dad says

"Except we discovered an alien race together," Sam says

"And I helped a little too, you know killing Megatron and all that stuff, but you know that's ok," I say

"How long are you gonna be riding that scooter?" Dad questions

"Dad, listen. I know what the odds are. We're the exception, okay?" Sam says as his phone rings "Wait a second. Who could that be?" Sam asks in fake surprise

"In two weeks, it could be Muffy," Dad says so calmly that I literally lost my shit and dead of laughter and crawl myself to the garage where Bumblebee was relaxing against the wall

"Hey sweets" I call smiling at him

"Hello, my sweet honey, how 'bout a kiss?" Bee says crawling towards me making me smile and blush but before I could answer Sam was screaming Bumblebee's name so I ran out of the garage to see what was happening but Bee broke through the garage

"What the hell is going on?" I ask Sam

"The whole kitchen is attacking," Sam shouted as Bee blaster the little demons but also blowing up half the house and Mom come out wailing like a banshee with potts and pans covering her face and she smacks right into her flower pot knocking her right on her ass

"Oh god, Mom are you ok?" I ask rushing to her

"Bumblebee, get in the garage. Go!" Sam shouts making me mad

"What the freak just happened?" Mom asked

"I'm about to have a nervous breakdown. Just get in the garage quietly, please." Sam shouts as Bumblebee gives an annoyed looked and sasses Sam a bit and stomps his foot like a two-year-old and crawls back in the garage

"Whatever" Bee says rolling his eyes

"Holy Mother!" Mom continues to shout

'Ok it wasn't that bad' I think rolling my eyes

I follow Bee into the garage trying to calm him down.

"Hey sweets, it's ok. Sam's just a little stressed right now he didn't mean it." I say caressing his cheek as his whines looking at me with puppy dog eyes

Sam and Mikaela walk in just as Bee was hitting his head.

"Bee honey, stop it's ok," I whisper to him getting him to stop

"Yeah you know you're in trouble," Sam says

"Jackass," I say glaring at my brother

"He still having voice problems?" Mikaela asks

"He's playing it up," Sam said and I smack the back of his head

"Fix it, and be nice," I say walking out to deal with mom

'Great start to a fresh start... right?'


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