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                  “Good morning kids.” Mom greeted.

“Good morning mom!” Reed and I responded.

“Dannie, is it true that you have a boyfriend? Ha! And I heard it is Greyson Chance! I thought you’ll never like him? LIAR!” here comes my devilish brother again! He’s even raising his right eyebrow.

I put my hands on my waist and questioned.

“Who told you?”


“Mom?!” I bolt from the blue.

“Sorry I can’t hold it anymore.” My gossip mom said.

“Mom, why are you spreading humors which are not true? And without my confirmation?! Greyson and I have NO ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP!!! CLEAR?”

“Denial.” Reed said.

“Errh! I know that I won’t win. But I’m telling you,  WE ARE NOT INTO---”

“Enough.” He concluded and covered my mouth.

Afterwards our school bus arrived.

“Thank God! Mom we’re leaving now.” Then we kissed on her cheeks as farewell.

“Reed wait.” Mom called.

“Yes mom? What is it?”

“Keep your eyes on your sister. Watch her every move and the things Greyson and Danica do. Write it down and report this to me after school. Go home early!”

“Okay mom, goodbye!”

After their short conversation, he finally rode the school bus. We are sitting next to each other. If you can remember I told you that Greyson and I are neighbors so we have the same school service. As Greyson ride the school bus and as he’s walking towards his seat, Reed is looking at me strangely. The look of bullies. We are on the middle of our trip when Reed stood up and went in front of everyone. Guess what he announced…

“Guys, I need your sense of hearing. Please lend me your ears, I have something to announce.”

“OMG! I don’t like his tone of speaking.” I whispered to myself. Of course, everybody’s attention is in him now. CREEPY.

“My sister has a boyfriend!!!” he shouted!

Everyone inside the bus became wild! They look at me. I can feel HUMILIATION. My reflex action worked that time. I threw my knapsack on him. Take note, all my school materials are in it. Bahaha! He reached school with a big, red, swollen bump on his middle forehead.

“You know brother, you look like a little unicorn with undeveloped horn.”

“You’ll pay for this!” then Greyson passed by. Reed approached him, he opened his mouth, I ran to him and covered his mouth.

“Do you want to be a three-horned Pegasus?”

“Greyson help! My sister is frightening me. Huhu.”

“What’s happening here?” Greyson asked

“Don’t mind him. Amm, Reed I’ll come with you. I’ll bring you to your classroom.”

“Do I look like a kindergarten?”

“Danica, he can stand on his own feet. We can go together at the greenhouse.” Greyson offered.

“Better sister. Dannie, I know it’s going to be fun. Hahaha!”

Then he did a continuous loud evil laughs. He also gave me a strange look, a teasing look. In return, I looked at him using my evil eyes.

Love, Unexpectedly (Greyson Chance, One Direction and Reed Deming Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now