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My all-time dream was to date Bella or to well specifically have sex with them. I know I've crushed on them forever and we are now friends. I wish I could ask them out but there taken, but today was September 24 my birthday. Omg I know right. I was at Bella's house with my bestie Rosa and her new boyfriend Ayden. We were going to the mall. Mattie was busy at a YouTube meeting so they could not go. Canon Ryder also tagged along. We went to Aeropostale, and Bella got jeans and a shirt. I got some leggings. Canon Ryder and Rosa didn't get anything from there. We went to the food court and had Bella's favorite food. We went to the pet store for Bella's dog. And Victoria secret for me. Rosa and Ayden got something too. We mostly lallygagged around the mall we listened to a girl play piano Bella smiled at me I smiled back. I couldn't tell if they liked me at all but I had a feeling they just might. The mall was getting boring so we decided to go home. Everyone piled in the car and we drove off listening to music. "That was so much fun" Rosa says "yea it was what did you get Rosa." "Oh just things for me and Ayden." "Ok if you say so" Bella kept smiling back at me as the others talked. They had placed there hand next to mine as almost as if they were telling me to grab it. But I was nervous so I struggled the urge to grab it. I resisted because respectfully Bella is taken. Soon we made it home. I needed help on something, but I was afraid to ask Bella I mean after the car incident I felt a little better about asking but I felt bad I didn't want to hold Bella's hand. . I was switching to tampons and needed some help on how to use one. I Finally got the courage to ask Bella. "Bella could you help me on something?" "Sure I can help with anything!" "This might sound weird, but I'm switching to tampons the problem is I don't know how to use one." "So you want me to be your model?" "I guess you could call it that." Bella smiled as if they were planning this to happen for a while now. "Well what are you wanting for?" "Oh I didn't know we were doing it now." "Well yea I'm not going to make you wait." "Isn't this weird because your with Mattie though?" "It's not that big of a deal, to be honest I think Mattie is cheating anyways look I didn't want to bring this up, but I have to eventually I have all the evidence they think I'm stupid and it makes me fucking mad that they think of me like that." "It's just you always think so highly of me and you're always encouraging me Mattie is always seeing the bad and they never encourage me I wish their secret girlfriend luck they probably don't know Mattie is cheating." "Wow that's uh..." "a lot I know anyways let's start." Bella hands me a tampon and unzips their pants. I was so nervous waiting on them. They took their underwear off and told me to do the same. So, I did. "Ok so you're going to take the tampon and open it." Then take it out." "Ok I did that." "Ok now watch how I put it inside of me, Ok?" "Alright." "Ok think you can do that?" "I can try." "Here let me help you." Bella got closer to me and helped me push it inside. I could feel their breath on me. They looked up at me in my eyes and smiled. Bella got up from the floor, they pinned me to the sink and started to kiss me. It felt so good I didn't want them to stop. "Bella why are you doing this?" "Mia, I love you so much why wouldn't I do this." They smile at me and started to, kiss me." How could I not love them. They ran their hands through my hair. "You know what you said about me I really appreciate that it means a lot." "Yes of course I mean it's the truth." Mattie knocked on the door and we ran from the bathroom. They opened the door like nothing happened. "Hey babe how are you.
'I'm good." "I have a question for you where were you yesterday?" "I was with carter."; they said nervously. "Oh ok Bella says." " now is not a good time to hang out though I'm feeling a little sick." " oh, then why is Mia here?" " she was just about to leave." "Oh, ok Mattie walked to their car and left without hugging Bella. " I see what you mean. They didn't even hug you bye." " Yep, and you know who would, you Mia." I smiled and gave in to their hug I stood there for a minute in Bella's arms.

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