Car ride to the airport and fly back.

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"Rosa talk to us why did you do this?" "You really hurt me that day I lost my best friend the one that was supposed to be by my side the one that was going to be at my wedding the one I talked to when I need you the most but instead you hurt me." "The fact you showed up after like nothing happened hurts me and every day after that I wondered did, I do something wrong?" "Mia..." "I was jealous of you..." "But I realized what I did was wrong you might have more than me you might be better but I'm sorry." "Those words..." Bella teared up hearing Rosa speak so did I. "I really appreciate you for bailing us out."  "No problem I'm so sorry." The rest of the car ride was quite quiet me and Bella just sat there collecting our thoughts. But before we knew it, we passed by Mattie leaving the jail. They were being handcuffed and dragged away from their car. They saw us as we passed, and they screamed as much as they could.  "What happened who snitched on them?" "It was me." Rosa muttered as we drove away. Bella started tearing up seeing them get arrested and not because they missed them or loved them it's because they won't ever be around to mess anything up again Bella was happy. "But something about them messing up everything would change they were so use to that happening now everything would be different maybe going to jail would change mattie." "Rosa, I can't ever thank you enough..." Bella hugged me as we drove toward the airport. Their cries filled the car as they fell onto me seeing them cry upset me, but I knew it was all for the better. Maybe our life will be different in the future. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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