Chapter 24

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I climb out of the bed and grab fresh clothes out of Luke's drawer. The cotton rubs against my bare skin as I mentally curse at myself for not having any spare under garments to wear.

"I'm going downstairs to get some food and a drink if you want any?" I ask just before I leave the room.

"I'll come down and help you" He smiles as he slips on a pair of sweatpants.

The slam of the front door echoes through the house as Luke and I walk down the stairs which makes me jump a little. He laughs at me once he sees that Beau has just walked in. He makes his way through the living room and into the kitchen with two plastic bags in either hand and we follow.

"So what have you two been up to today?" Beau asks as he pulls the bread, milk and fruit out of the plastic bags and puts them away.

"Nothing" Luke and I say unison whilst giving each other smug looks which Beau looks over.

He then pushes past us and picks up the still wet street sign from earlier today. "Why is this in our house?" He inquires with a genuine puzzled look on his face.

"We stole it" I blurt out sending both the boys into fits on laughter. "Should we return it?"

"No, it's a souvenir" Luke says putting an emphasis on the second half of the sentence.

Luke grabs the sign out of Beau's hands and places it back on the wooden table. I walk back into the kitchen, put the kettle on and grab out the essentials for making tea. After a few minutes the kettle finishes boiling and I pour the water into the three mugs with tea bags. The heat radiating off the cups doesn't help my struggle to carry all the beverages into the living room so Luke jumps up to help. A round of thank you's are projected in my direction as they take a sip of the hot fluid.

"What are you guys thinking of doing this afternoon?" I ask between my sips of tea.

Beau does the same action, "I don't know yet, is it raining still?"

Luke jumps off the couch and scurries over to the window. He moves the blue curtain that is obstructing his view of outside out of the way and peers out the window. His back muscles are prominent as he leans against the window sill and I can't help but admire it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2015 ⏰

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