Chapter 2

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"Bella, wake up we are here" Mum said shaking me gently to wake me up. She tricked me. I was told this morning that we were staying at the Crowne Plaza but here we are at some motel on the outskirts of Melbourne. That bitch. I gathered all my stuff back into my bag and followed her to our room.

As soon as she unlocked the door I went running in to shower. After about 20 mins I turned off the taps, got changed into an oversized black shirt and dried my hair. "Did you want something to eat darl?" Mum called from the other room.

"Nah, I'm about to go to sleep" I called back, jumping into the bed near the cabinet. A flashback of todays events came to mind just as I drifted to sleep.

The sun shone through the cheap floral curtains and the sound of heavy traffic rattled the windows slightly. I turned to my side and lifted my phone off the bedside table. Ughhhh it was only 7:30am and I knew for sure I wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep with this noise and the fact I had an early night last night.

The bed and floor creaked as I got up and made my way to my Nike duffle bag containing my clothes. I picked out a pair of black trackies, a plain purple crop top and my uggs. I mean why do I need to get dressed up if I’m only going to find a corner shop or what not and get some damn food.

I chucked my hair up as I walked down the gravel motel driveway, right away I spotted a service station just down the road. A bell rang through the store as I entered and automatically was greeted with a hello from the owner. I twaddled around and came across a variety of microwavable meals that sat in the freezer just below the window facing outside the shop, I grabbed out fried rice and as I look up a guy who looks exactly like the one from the bathroom incident yesterday catches my attention. Moments pass and he and his dog had walked out of sight.

As soon as I got back to the motel Mum reminded me about what she wants to do today. “Okay Bella, so you’re gonna come with me to go shopping, then we are checking out some real estates and then tonight we are going to the Avicii concert” She chirped while I sighed. After breakfast I changed into high waist jeans, a striped baggy shirt and my white converses.


“Should I get this one or this one?” Mum questioned holding both handbags against her stomach

“I say the yellow one”

“But the beige one will suit more of my clothes”

“Get the beige one then” I rolled my eyes.

I really didn’t want to do this. Shopping with mum boring, its worse than a picky teenage girl looking for a full outfit. “Hey mum can I get a new wallet?” I asked while walking to the front.

“Yeah Sure” I heard her say back. I picked out a black one with raised bubbles on it.

“PEEEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSSSSS” I look up and about 5 boys are screaming this running past with their hands swinging around like dickheads. How immat- wait... I swear the last one looked like that boy, nah it couldn’t be. I think my mind is just playing games.

“BELLA” mum barked snapping me out of what I was thinking.

The rest of the day ended up being nothing but a drag. It would be so much more interesting if we brought my siblings along, but mum insisted we leave them at my nanas while we have ‘a grown up girly holiday’. But I know the real reason why we are here and she has no clue that I know. You see I overheard her on the phone to someone the other night discussing about how she wants to move, move away from all the family, all our friends and just start fresh, and apparently she only brought me along because she wanted the younger ones to spend time with their friends. Yeah mum, not like I have any friends to spend time with either, bitch. Every real estate we walked into today my stomach churned slightly knowing that sometime soon id be having to make new friends and change my lifestyle.


7pm came and we were getting let into the arena for the Avicii concert. Probably the only benefit out of this ‘holiday’ and bonus was we were in mosh pit. It came to nearly halfway through the concert I spotted him. That boy. Him and I’m assuming his friend that looked similar to him were at least 5 metres jumping up and down with the crowd. This time I knew for sure my mind was messing up.

The end of the concert came and by everyone was all sweaty and hyped up and exiting the place. I hurried outside and over to the power box where mum told me to meet her. I leaned against it yawning just wanting to get back and sleep. Heavy breathing and strong stench of a mix of sweat and cologne was in presence.

“You just couldn’t keep away could you?” laughed a familiar voice behind me

I spun around to be face to face and only centimetres away from him. He had one arm up on the side of the power box and once again we were staring straight into each other’s eyes. “I’d rather keep away from you then come near you with a baseball bat. Wait, actually that sounds rather  good at the moment” I hissed ready to push past him again. He pushed against me pressing his body onto him and putting both hands on the power box so my back was now against the plastic.

“Aw you’re a feisty one, anyways I’m Luke, Luke Brooks” he smiled.

“Bella, Bella Santos” I stuttered back.  “Um, I have to go find my mum. Catch ya later” I ducked under his arms and walked off. I glance back and he smiled. Luke Brooks ay? Oh, why did that seem so familiar to me?

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