Chapter 22

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"Are you sure you want to do this?" Luke glanced at me, "What if we get caught or something?"

The rain had eased up slightly but knowing how Melbourne is, I wouldn't be surprised if it pelted down rain again or if the sun came out of hiding.

"Is someone being a princess?" I laughed. Since that afternoon at the beach I've called him princess more than he has called me one.

He shook his head. "No, no. I just don't want to risk getting you in trouble." A forced half smile appeared as he tried hiding the obvious truth. I told him to stop being such a wuss as we both run over to the street sign. I get up on his shoulders, then with one hand I hold onto the sign and with the other I pull out the Philip head screwdriver and begin to unscrew it.

Luke tried telling me to go to a quieter street to steal the street sign but what was the fun in that I had told him, and therefore the reason why I was now unscrewing the last screw of the sign directing everyone onto Pascoe Vale Rd.

"What the hell do you kids think you're doing" the yapping of an old lady with a walker soon became louder than the cars driving by. "I'll be calling the cops on you two"

I put the last screw into my pockets, grabbed the sign and we both ran. "See I told you we would probably get caught" Luke huffed between breaths. We sped up, dodging a few cars on the road and bolted down a nearby alley leading down to a park. The wet grass cushioned our fall as we dropped to the ground just after the alley ended.

"See, probably. We wouldn't have gotten caught. And even better we get to tick something off your bucket list" I smiled.

He just rolled his eyes and leaned against the cream colorbond fence behind us. The rain became heavier causing the muddy patch beneath us to soften even more and nearly every inch of our body to become soaked. The wind in this weather didn't help much either but it was typical for Melbourne weather and typical for me not to pick up one of Luke's jumpers before we left.

I wiped an excess amount of water of my face and neck then wrapped my arms around myself shivering. Luke gave me a worried look asking if I'm okay, and I just smiled. He ran his hands through his hair letting drops of water come off strands, then he did something I didn't expect he would.

He pulled me into his arms, letting my head rest against his chest. My arms loosely wrapped around his torso, and my hands rest on his back. His right hand ran up and down my upper arms trying to bring any sort of warmth to me. I closed my eyes at the soothing feeling.

"Bella, do you want to know something?" he asked and I nodded. "I'm really sorry for being mad at you for doing drugs. I'm not saying that you can do them again, I'm just saying I'm sorry"

"I accept your apology" I said. He then told me he still had something else to say.

I breathed in and nodded once again. "Even though your condition was for us to just be friends, I want you to know I see you as more than that. Not like a sister but as something else." He began confident but then slid into more of a mumble. I could feel his heart beating faster than normal as mine did the same.

I couldn't tell him I felt sort of the same way. That just puts me into a position I don't want to be in. In even more danger of Benji.

I opened my eyes and nodded, "I know, Luke, I know." I rubbed his back with my left hand. He stopped rubbing my arm and began stroking my hair instead. "Um, do you realise that we could've sat under the shelter just normal civilised people?" I laughed when I noticed the picnic tables under the metal roof.

"We aren't normal people, Bell. We are a messed up pair." He said.

And of course, this time he's right.


I placed the street sign down onto the living room coffee table and follow Luke through the house, out the back and into the shed. He pulled out a packet of water balloons from out of his pocket and placed them onto the bench after getting out tubs of non-toxic paint. The paint varies in colour from bright reds to pale blues.

To tick off number 15 on Luke's list we were having a paint balloon fight in the rain. In all honesty I was more keen for the street sign stealing than this but he was more excited than ever. I was dressed in some of Luke's old clothes and he wore just a pair of plain black Adidas shorts showing his perfectly sculpted torso off.

Oh how I wish I could just tell him.

I pulled the pair of footy shorts I have on up and started filling the balloons with the variety of paints in front of us. After we were finished we divided up the lot into two separate buckets and carried them outside.

"No face, okay?" I said more as a warning that if he did I would kill him.

"That's fine, just don't hit my dick either" he said causing me to laugh but agree.

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1!" We counted down in unison. Once 'go' was said, I grabbed two medium sized balloons out of my red bucket and pegged one at him sharply hitting his arm resulting in green paint to splatter all over him.

I ducked and dodged a splatter as he threw large sized one at me. The balloon hit the ground covering the grass with blue paint. The war continued on until I had ran out of ammo and he had the last balloon that was left.

I could feel my adrenaline start to pump through my body. "Run" he mouthed to me and with that I began squealing like a 12 year old girl as we ran circles around the trampoline. The increase in my speed meant my shorts started falling down more frequently and that Luke was catching up. I couldn't have hated him as much I did right now. I wanted to murder him for putting me in this situation with a pair of loose shorts and a white shirt that ended up being see through. God, that kid was a sly bastard.

The ground smacked me in my face as I fell into the mud. The remainder of the adrenaline left my body but was then marked with bright orange paint that splattered almost over me.

"Luke you piece of shit, help me up!" I laughed.

He reached out his arm taking mine in attempt to pull me up, but the earth slippery enough as it was, was enough to make up both fall to the ground with Luke on top of me. Most guys would be a gentleman and apologise but not my Luke. He pressed his lips against mine sending electric sparks through my body. The water meshed between our lips as I kissed back for a brief few seconds before pulling away.

I smiled and he smiled back. "Number 3" I said.


"Corny, I know but number 3 on my bucket list is kissing someone in the rain"

"No, it's cute. I liked it."

I placed my hand onto his face, "Very well then" I smirked.

I went back in for another passionate kiss.

I liked this feeling. The feeling of being the one to initiate the kiss. The feeling of his body on mine. And for some unknown, whacky reason, the feeling of liking someone I know I shouldn't.

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