Chapter 5

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As soon as I got inside I was bombarded by questions from Mum. “Where’s Chris? How was school? you make any friends? Who was that boy out the front?” she asked all at once. I took a big gasp for air.

“I don’t know, he said he was going to walk with friend’s home. School was shit. I guess but I don’t really consider them friends yet. And he was no one, he just asked for the time” I responded lying about Luke.

I tossed my bag at my bedroom door and walked into the kitchen in attempt to find some food. “Who did Chris walk with again?” mum called out from the other room, all worried.

“I’m not sure, he texted me saying he was walking with friends and he texted me over 20 mins before I left school.” I took a bite from the left over chicken drumsticks we had last night. “Actually he should’ve been home before me” I said after swallowing. I brushed off the fact that he wasn’t home yet, I mean c’mon he probably made heaps of friends already and it just up the street or something with them.

I jumped onto my bed and looked up at the ceiling. At first I was just bored and was examining every crack and dent that spread across it but after a while I started zoning out and really thought about today. Why was Luke acting the way he was today? Was he embarrassed of me? Did Reagan really mean what she said about him? Does everyone at school think I’m a weird new girl? Are my new friends really my friends? Does anyone from my old school miss me? Does Sally even miss me? My eyes started welling up and a few tears ran off my face. Those few tears turned into a few more and before I know it was crying my eyes out and my breathing became irregular. Soon after I calmed myself down I drifted off into a sleep.


“Bella, wake up! Bella” mum came in shaking me awake. I stirred giving out a huge sigh; she looked at me worried obviously a bit rattled up. I just hope she didn’t notice the marks on my face from when I was crying. “Bella, its 9pm” she managed to get out. Just when I thought she cared about me she just wanted to tell me the time.

“Yeah? So what? Let me go back to sleep” I moaned back angrily.

“No Bella its 9pm and Chris isn’t home yet!” She said wiping a tear from her eyes. “I called the police but they can’t do anything until it’s been 24 hours” she said this time with more tears flowing out.

“And what am I supposed to do about it?” I blankly said still half asleep.

“Stay awake for starters. And you stay near the house, maybe even walk around the streets for a bit to help look for him, me and the kids are going to go look near the school and closer into town” she barked back with a shaky voice. I groaned but I agreed.

Mum and the others raced to the car and drove off before I even had the chance to get out of bed. I chucked on whatever I could find first which was a baggy shirt which looked like it hadn’t even been washed and some black leggings, I couldn’t care less how I looked right now; it was 9:10pm and I wanted to go back to sleep.

The thought of roaming around alone in the dark in a place I barley know bothered me a little bit. I walked for what seemed like forever. I glanced down at my phone, ‘9:45pm’ was displayed on the bright screen, I even had to squint to stop the light from blinding me. I sighed and continued walking. The cold air was making me shiver and was starting to tense up my leg muscles, I desperately needed to sit down. A park came to view after another 5 minute walk down the road, so I decided to go there for a bit.

Many tall trees were spread across the park land; plastic and metal picnic tables and park benches were placed evenly around the area, paths winding in a heap of directions leading you to a possibility of places and even a play equipment was somewhere in my view. I shivered knowing that I was alone in a place like this but I really want to find my brother already.

Wonderwall (Luke Brooks)Where stories live. Discover now