Chapter 12

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The stuff in the italics from now on will be diary entries done by Bella.Most of the time it will be dated.

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A banging noise coming from downstairs and the cool breeze flowing through the open window was enough to wake me. A few seconds passed in which I refocused my eyes and instantly start examining the room around me; purple paint, flags and posters plastered the walls that I could see. My eyes continued looking around the side I was facing, studying a v  ary of things until something caught my attention. The pillow that was pushed between us last night was lying on the floor in front of the dresser.

“Mmmhh” Luke stirred during his sleep as I tossed over. Luke was sleeping on his left side and began patting around the bed with his right hand until his hand slung over my hip and brought us closer together, with our bodies touching and our faces only inches apart. I shook Luke gently with my free hand.

“Uhhh Luke” I whispered while rattling his shoulder. “Luke, wake up” I continued as he grunted, “Luke, get your hand off me please”. He started to wake up but refused to get his hand off my hip.

“Mmmm, morning bell” he said squinting at the sudden daylight hitting his eyes.

“Luke, why is the pillow in front of the dresser and not between us and why your hand still on me is?” I decided to cut right to the chase. He shrugged his shoulders, removed his hand and said he had no idea. I shook my head in disappointment, not at him but at myself.

I slung myself out of bed and made myself breakfast, consisting of eggs and bacon with a side of avocado toast. It was only early but we didn’t have school because they were having a strike so I decided to say bye to Luke and go home to rest.

- March 12th   -

Oh wow, I’ve never done this before. Um hello I guess? Wait no, how about dear diary? Haha never mind I’ll figure out an intro later. Anyways today I decided to buy a diary or a journal or whatever you call it simply because it seems cool and I need to write my feelings out. I went down to a little shop on the way home and I bought it. I am not going to share you with anyone else, it will be like talking to myself haha oh my.

Let’s give a little insight of my life.

Apparently I did drugs with the girls and Luke. Man I hate those girls, they’re such crazy shits. I just wanna smack ‘em all in the head but I can’t because they’re my only friends I have. I mean apart from Luke but then again I don’t know what to consider him as. School is pretty ordinary, assignments and the same shit every day.

Okay Diary you’ll have to wait to tomorrow or whenever I can be bothered to hear from me again but for now, bye


I tucked my new diary between the bed base and the mattress, hopped into bed and drifted to sleep.


For some reason I was keen for school today, maybe it was because I knew Luke would be there, but it’s not like Destiny would even want to hang anywhere near his group. I quickly completed my morning routine, grabbed my bag and rushed out the door to school. I thought it would be better if I started walking more often.

Murmurs between groups, staring and several people pointing at me occurred as I walked into the school grounds. I walked up to where the girls usually sit, “Hey Britt, is it just me or is everyone talking about me? I heard a few of them say my name as I walked in” I asked her. She just gave a filthy look. “Reagan, what’s happening?” I tried getting her attention, she just ignored me. I kept asking around until I ended up asking the one person I didn’t want to ask. “Destiny, why is everyone staring at me?”

“Aw babe, didn’t you hear?” she chuckled. “You did drugs with Luke”

“So did you”

“Aw no babe, we did drugs by ourselves. You did drugs with Luke” she said emphasise on his name. “Miss new girl here spent the day with him too getting all snuggy. And we girls don’t want you hanging around us anymore. You’re just a bad influence” she cheekily said, saying the last part loud enough for people within the area to hear, sending the whole group into a bitchy laughter.

“You, you pressured me to do it” I screamed. “So what I spent the day with Luke, so far he has treated me nicer than you girls ever have” I stormed off towards the school ovals.

“EVERYONE WATCH OUT, CRACK WHORE IS COMING, BE CAREFUL” I heard Destiny call out. Tears began streaming down my face.

My nails were stained with the Earth, my cheeks were puffy and my head hurt. I had spent the last half an hour digging at the dirt, crying and hitting my head against the tree. The bell had already gone first for roll call and then secondly for first period, but right now I couldn’t give a shit. How could I fuck up so much? The closest thing I had to friends, gone, over some stupid fucking mistake. I didn’t even want to take the bloody drug.

“Bella, is that you?” I heard the one voice I wanted to hear coming from behind me, I didn’t answer him though. The footsteps started becoming clearer and he sat next to me. “Bella, are you okay” Luke wrapped his arm around me. I nodded, pulled my knees up to my chest but then burrowed my head into his. “Shhh, it’s okay” he cooed. “They talk more shit than what comes out their arses. Dogs are gonna bark” he tried to cheer me up. I giggled. “Ah, there we go, smile”

He brought his thumbs up to my cheeks and began wiping my tears off. “Thank you Luke, but why are you even doing this?”

“You support Beau and I, we are going to support you. Simple as that.” He smiled.

I tried to smile back. “But I’m just a god damn crack whore who actually hasn’t done crack nor fucked a guy” I said jokingly

“Both of those things can be arranged by me, you know that right?” he winked sending us both into fits of laughter.

I punched him in the shoulder, “Dude, I was joking” I shook my head. He said he was too. We both calmed down and Luke placed his arm around my shoulders again and pulled me abit closer.

“From now on you’re sitting with my group. I don’t care what the boys say; they have got to learn to love ya” he said kissing the top of my head, sending a rush of butterflies buzzing through my stomach. I had no idea if that was only platonic and I know I said I dont want him to fall in love with me, but right now thats the opposite of what I wanted.


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(Sorry my writing hasnt been up to scratch so far and getting into the story. And that i dont update often. Im just shit hahah oops)

But anyways I'm gonna try from now one haha

Wonderwall (Luke Brooks)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora