Chapter 15

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Sorry it took me so long to update. i just feel like noone reads anything i write so yeah ive lost motivation. I will update...eventually. Please comment and vote x

“Okay, wait, so you’re telling me that you asked my mother if could take me out today?” I giggled then suppressed my laughter when I noticed his facials remained serious.

“Yeah and no interruptions remember. I even got Beau to cover for me” his lips curved into a mischievous grin.

Oh this is fucking great, I thought to myself sarcastically not replying back to him. I grabbed another avocado and egg sandwich out of the picnic basket and sat cross legged admiring the beauty around us. The eucalyptus trees were swaying slightly in the breeze allowing the occasional leaf to drop to the floor. Autumn in Australia has always been my favourite time of the year, it’s never too hot nor too cold and compared to Spring there’s no magpies out to ruin your day.

I took a deep breathe, inhaling and exhaling in sync with Luke. The smug air blanketing basically the whole of Melbourne made me wish I was back in the country; the place where you breathe better. I nibbled my way through another 2 sandwich triangles, dusted my hands clean and readjusted myself on the hill.

“So why no interruptions?” I broke the silence.

He ran his hand through his curly hair, “Well every time we do something we seem always to be bothered by someone or something”

“And how on Earth did you manage to get my mother to agree to let me out with you?”

“I guess it’s my charm, or the fact that I had the courage to ask her” he said and paused, I went to go speak but he butted back in, “Nah it’s definitely my charm” he winked at me making me cringe at his ego.

“Well, what about Beau? Benji is after you two, what if something happens?” I asked genuinely worried about not only theirs but my safety. I know I shouldn’t have gotten myself into this and just stuck with having no friends.

Luke tossed to his side so he was directly facing me and no longer the view of park; the sound of the red plaid picnic blanket crinkled beneath us and his left hand kept hold of his head as he raised his eyebrows at me.

“You sure do ask a lot of questions” he said.

I sighed, “I’m just concerned for our safety, that’s all.” He smirked at my response and reassured me that everything is going to be okay. I grabbed another sandwich out of the basket and took a bite. I’m quite surprised at his culinary skills, first a rockin’ spaghetti and now he has managed to make one of favourite foods just as well as my mother would. This boy could make out to be a good chef one day.

“So this whole drug thing ay?” I once again tried to keep the conversation going, his eyes widen as if to tell me to keep talking. “You sure do have everything. I thought there were only drug dealers for certain drugs. Why do you deal a variety of them?” I had the courage to ask him. I’ve been wondering this from the time I found out.

“Benji’s idea” he bluntly answered staring off away in the park around us. Of course it was his idea.

I was starting to get sick of me asking all the questions and continuing the conversation. It was his idea to go on this picnic and I’m making all the effort. The sun hid behind a cloud and the wether became slightly cooler. “Hey, can I ask you something?” I asked even though I’ve already inquired a whole bunch already.

“All you have been doing is asking me things but yeah?”

I gulped. I really shouldn’t be saying this but since we were on the topic I found it was the right moment, “Um Luke, do do do you think I could try weed?” I stuttered out way too fast for even myself to comprehend. 

“No” he once again bluntly answered my question. I knew that was going to be the response, I felt so stupid to even ask in the first place, I should’ve just asked Beau; knowing him he would say yes. Luke’s head tilted up to face me again and he could see the disappoint. “Bella, you know what happened at Charlie’s the other night and in the alley with the girls. There is no way I’m letting you do those things again, they can be dangerous” I just huffed at his answer; I would just ask Beau later.

You could tell that he was feeling bad about this. Stupid me just had to open my big mouth. I glanced back down at Luke who was still staring back at me; his dot on his nose seemed to stand out more to me unlike previous times.

There was one more sandwich triangle in the basket and without asking if he wanted it I went to grab it. The blanket made the crinkle noise as he sat up reaching for same sandwich.

“Excuse me but I wanted that you pig” I laughed shaking my head.

“It’s mine now, whatcha gonna do about it” he laughed just as hard as me.

“I’ll um well I’ll head butt ya, ya that’s right, I’ll head butt ya” I said with little confidence and no train of thought.

By now he was laughing harder than before. “Oh will you now?” he said in a sarcastic tone. Without thinking about it I went to head butt Luke but stopped at the very last second causing me be pushing my forehead against his. He began pushing back with his, turning it into some sort of game. A buzz of adrenaline flowed through me being this close and flirty. It shouldn’t be this thrilling for something so little but it is. “I will win” his big ego shows again.

“Oh will you now?” I mimic his previous comment. His muscular hands grab hold of my shoulders pushing me down into the ground. I attempt at trying to get up but he keeps pinning me back down.

“Yeah, I win” he grinned and I just give in. The tension grows stronger as he places his forehead back against mine only allowing the rest of our faces a few centimetres between. “I always do win” he whispers loud enough for me to hear. His brown eyes lock contact with mine.

“Always” he repeats himself as the distance between us disappears and locks lips with mine. Luke hands immediately release my shoulders and his right hand comes up my cheek making the hairs on the back of my neck raise. The same electricity from our last kiss returns and I find myself running my hands through his hair. His tongue traces my lips seeking entrance but I refuse. I pull away from the kiss to see a shocked Luke.

“Aw, sorry about that” he run his hands through hair fixing the mess I caused. An apology was the last thing I expected out of that.

I shake my head and sympathically smile at him, “No no, it’s okay”

“Well if it’s okay then-” he doesn’t finish his sentence and reconnect his lips with mine. I consider kissing back but pull away. An even more shocked Luke stares back at me. “I thought it was okay” he frowns.

“Yeah it was okay that you kissed me, it’s just don’t feel comfortable hooking up in the middle of a public place let alone you hovering over me here as well” I blurted out. It’s true though. I’ve always believed that that type of kissing which could lead to other things should be saved for a more private place. What if a kid came passed? It is a park after all.

“I understand.We should get going” I nod and he helps me up. I fold up the picnic blanket and place it into the basket which Luke is carrying. “Did you want to come back to mine?” he asks and I agree. I just pray to myself that Beau is there.

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