Chapter 7

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My head was pounding. It was like someone was slamming my head with a brick. A strange yet satisfying smell flowed through my nostrils as I woke up.  I opened my eyes to cream coloured walls and furniture I’ve never seen before. I shook my head in confusion whilst looking around to see us girls spread across the floor asleep. I knew for sure we weren’t at my house. I tried remembering last night’s events but it was just all a big blur.

“Aw you’re awake?” an extremely tanned guy with captivating green eyes questioned from the hallway entrance.

“Who are you and why are we here?” I whispered back trying not to wake the others up.

“I’m Beau and you’ll find out later” he winked at me as he exited the house.

I took 3 big breaths and heaved myself up off the ground. My head was spinning and I had to keep hold of the table to stay up. The kitchen was in sight and I dragged myself along into the room.

I took a glass off the wash rack and filled it with water from the tap. The refreshing liquid pouring into my mouth made me feel slightly better. I rested my elbows on the edge of the counter examining the room around me. I felt so uncomfortable. Whose house was I in? Why were we all here? What was that smell? What happened last night? I started becoming more anxious and I started over thinking. What if we were kidnapped?

I crouched over as a sharp pain in my lower abdomen struck me. I need to find a toilet. I made my way up some stairs hoping to find a bathroom soon. The smell had become stronger by now too. I saw a glimpse of a toilet so I ran straight into the room slamming the door behind me. I did my business, brushed myself down and flushed.

The coast was clear when I opened the door slightly looking around for anyone strange. A creak of a door startled me as I began tiptoeing back down stairs but as I looked back nothing look out of the ordinary; not a single living thing in sight. I raised my hand up to my mouth and started biting my nails while walking again.

I don’t know why but biting my nails is such a stress reliever for me. I get nervous and stressed so I bite my nails. It always works. People my age turn to drugs, alcohol and smoking for some sort of relief from stress. I heard the thrill it gives you at first jolts you but then moments later you feel the most calm you will ever feel. In my opinion I could never do any of that. Especially not drugs.

A pair of cold hands against my waist made me jump and squeal. “Shhh, it’s only me” a raspy voice spoke from behind me.

I gulped and turned around. “Luke? What are you doing here? What am I doing here?” I questioned him emphasising on the ‘I’.

“We’re at my house silly” he replied back keeping his hands on my most self-conscious area.

“What? When? How?” I managed to get out.

“Last night by walking here? How else?” he rolled his eyes at what he thought was a stupid question.

“I didn’t see you last night, I only went out for dinner” I barked back pushing his hands off of me. He just shook his head laughing. “What?” I spoke in a questionable tone. He just continued laughing, ruffling his hair with his right hand. “What?” I raised my voice slightly still not wanting to wake up the others downstairs.

“You don’t remember” he laughed trying to keep it in. “Such an amateur” he continued saying. I went to go speak again but he had already grabbed my wrist dragging me to a room.

He flicked the light switch on, lighting up a small room that just fit us. I’m presuming this is a linen cupboard considering all I seen around me was shelves full of sheets, towels and blankets. “What are you doing?” I yelled at him yanking my hand out of his grasp.

“You wanna know why you’re here? Last night your stupid friend downstairs Faith, yeah her. She called me up asking for a certain type of pill. Throughout the whole phone call all I heard was the girls screaming stupid things, I thought that it would be easy money. Those girls would do anything, they’re just plain stupid” he said to me staring right at me.

“So wh-”

He cut me off. “I’m not finished with the story yet. Well I rocked up in the alley near the park I saw you at when you were looking for your brother. It was risky. I mean these pills are hard to get sometimes and with how loud they were I was afraid of getting caught. We traded and Faith yelled your name. I looked up and saw you. I told you to go home and you didn’t listen, quite in fact you argued back at me. You were afraid of taking it but you didn’t want to leave. Eventually you gave in after I said I’d take it with you. Then about half an hour later when all the girls settled down abit, they all decided they wanted to go home, but I couldn’t let yous. Not when you’re like that. I invited you to come back to mine so I could take care of you but then Faith insisted we all stay and I couldn’t say no to a drugged up girl walking the street. So we all came back here. And here we are today” he smiled running his hands along my hair.

“You mean to tell that I’m here because I took some type of fucking drug?” I yelled at him pushing at his shoulders.

He stumbled back hitting his back on the shelf. “It’s mostly your fault so don’t go yelling at me. I told you to go home. I wanted you safe but you’re a fucking rebel aye” he yelled back at me. I wasn’t scared though. Nowhere near. Just angry. Angry and disappointed.

I opened the cupboard door and stormed off back down stairs. I snuggled myself tight in a ball on the sofa trying to take everything in. Had I really taken drugs? How did Luke get them? Why am I still here? Do the girls even know why we are here? When are they going to wake up? I glanced at my phone then back at the girls. It was only 8am. And it was only Sunday. Questions kept racing in my head until I eventually fell back asleep.

A little breeze then the feeling of a blanket being placed on me woke me up. I didn’t open my eyes though. Not until I knew the person who put the blanket on me walked away. Once I heard footsteps becoming further and further away, I peeked out of the fabric and looked towards the stairs. I was surprised to see a figure like Luke’s walking up them. He combed his hand through his hair and that was the last of what I could see of him. I swung my head back around to see the lounge room. It was empty. The girls were nowhere to be seen. I decided to get up and have a look around to see if they were still here.

I didn’t want them to be gone already. I felt uncomfortable. And anyways that’s just rude leaving me behind. I grabbed my phone from the coffee table to see I had 2 new messages.

From birth giver:

Hope you had fun last night, see you this afternoon. Love you x

From Brittany:

Sorry we all left without you. We didn’t want to disturb you xoxox

I replied back to mum telling her I would be home around 4pm, since it was only 11am now; it gave me enough time to find my way home I guess. I rolled my eyes at Brittany’s text though. I wasn’t surprised, not one bit.

I grabbed my stuff and put my shoes back on. I contemplated on whether I should say bye to Luke or not but ended up deciding not to. As I went to go and reach for the door handle so I can leave the same raspy voice from earlier bellowed from the top of the stairs.

“Where do you think you’re going?”

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