Chapter 6

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It’s been 4 weeks. 1 month since I’ve spoken to Luke. I’ve seen him around school maybe three or four times a week, each time making eye contact lasting to the very moment we were out of each other’s view. His eyes were always screaming of desperation, like he needed help. But I always brushed it off. I’d be lying if I said I don’t miss his sly attention.

I turned my music up more as I began changing into something more comfortable. ‘Wonder wall’ by Oasis blared through my stereo speakers echoing throughout the house. I loved being home alone; I felt so stress and care free. No one was here to judge me; no one was here to annoy me. I had a few hours left before everyone would be home and I’d have to leave.  The sound of the music stopped and my notification ringtone beeped then the music continued playing.

From: Destiny

Change of plans girls; meet at the little Chinese restaurant near town at 7. See yous then xxx

That is only 2 hours away. Tonight was one of the girl’s birthdays and we all got invited out to dinner to celebrate. I texted mum the change of plans and she was fine with me going into town by myself. I chucked my hair up into a messy but tidy bun topped with a red bow, slid into a black dress that went halfway up my thigh that hugged just under my boobs and flowed out hiding all my bad curves and popped on my black converses. I grabbed my essentials and left for town.


“Ahhhhh Bella, you look stunning” Ebony squealed as I crossed the road over to the group.

“Aw thanks girl” I squealed back sending the whole group into fits of laughter. We made our way into the restaurant consider I was last to arrive.

“Reservation for Marks” Destiny said to the person at the counter. Destiny was like the Queen Bee of the group or whatever and it pissed us all off. We were then directed to our table.

We all had our own little small talks going until the waiter came over. “Um I’ll get a combination omelette with a side of fried rice please” I ordered first as no one else would.

“Ay I was going to get that” Destiny whined from the other end of the table.

“It doesn’t even matter though” I spat back as she grunted. We all ordered and soon our drinks were served up.

“Guys did you hear Karla got knocked up by a 25 year old” Destiny once again tried taking control of the group. The awkwardness grew as everyone started gossiping about people I don’t know.

This is why I didn’t want to move. Especially far away from where you originate. You have to start over, learn new things. The way people talk and refer things to certain stuff, the names and personalities of everyone you know come across and no one is actually there to support you.

30 mins later our food was served and we all dug in. The taste of egg and prawns engulfed my mouth as I downed the last bite. For a tiny food place on the outskirts of Melbourne, their food was pretty damn good. I made a note to myself that I must come here with the family.

“So guys what are we doing after this?” Reagan asked us all with the biggest smile on her face.

“Photos then maccas” Ebony and Destiny agreed on. We all then chipped in $15, payed the bill and left.

The clunking of heels down the empty street distracted me from the bitchyness of the group right now. I sighed but then laughed at the thought that I was smart enough to wear comfy shoes.

As we got into Maccas we all ordered a soft serve cone and sat down on the outside tables to eat them; with just enough seats to fit all 6 of us.

“AYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY PETER” one of the other girls Faith screamed at the boys walking over to us.

“AHHHHHHHHH Oooogi” Brittany made weird noises get louder and louder each time. I rolled my eyes knowing that these girls were about to go fucking crazy. For about 10 mins they keep screaming weird shit at anyone that walked past and were getting more rowdy. I looked down at my phone in attempt to draw some attention away from us.

My breathing started becoming irregular and I was getting more worried that something bad was going to happen. My hands started shaking and I was beginning to sweat.

I couldn’t deal with this attention anymore. I just wanted them to be quiet and to go home.

I stood myself up and excused myself to the bathroom where I just cried. I haven’t had an attack like that in years so why was it happening now?   I jolted at the sound of the bathroom door opening and quickly flushed away the tissue paper I cleaned my tears with.

“Hey Bella, hurry up! We are going somewhere” A voice that sounded like Ebony’s echoed through the small room. I quickly picked up my stuff and followed her outside.

“Let’s walk back to mine” Destiny stated. Faith looked down at her phone and looked back up laughing.

“Guys, Peter want us all to go lapping with him” she said somewhat like a question. To be honest I thought we were just going out for dinner, not starting chaos and putting our self in danger.  Just don’t want attention drawn to us, that’s all.

“Ah I don’t think th-” I was cut off by Brittany.

“Tell him to meet us at the park” she barked almost as an order. I sighed.

We all starting racing up the street as they were in a hypo mood. “Oh my god, you know what would be fun? If we got some roofies” Faith rushed out of her mouth.

“Isn’t that a drug type pill? That’s bad” I questioned her only to get gaping mouths back.

“Are you serious? Of course they are” they all laughed back. Oh tonight is just getting better and better. Might as well call the cops on us now.

“I know exactly who to get them off” Faith squealed as she got her phone out pressing it against her ear.

A familiar park came to view as we walked further down the road. “Aren’t we meant to be meeting Peter at the other park?” I asked worried.

“Yeah but we aren’t going to go anymore! This is more fun” Destiny snapped back at me.

“Sorry” I whispered back after they all turned back around.

Sounds of cars driving past and a nice summer breeze were present as we walked down the concrete path. We all steered down into an alley; I think to meet the person with the drugs. A tall, ordinary figure appeared at the end of the alley. My mouth dropped at the sight of who was walking towards us.

The familiar brown locks and pink lips with the metal lip ring came towards us in a black coat and skinny jeans.

“Here” He passed the bag to Faith, exchanging it with a handful of money.

“See Bella! These are what they are” Faith screamed pointing to the bag. All the girls put their index finger to the lips telling her to shhh.

The sound of my name made Luke look up. His eyes pierced into mine still reeking with desperation. I looked away hoping to seize the tension. “Bella? What are you doing here? Go home” he begged.

“What are you? My mother?” I spat back causing all the girls to go quiet.  For about 15 seconds we just stood there. Luke looking at me, Me looking at Luke, the girls swinging their heads side to side to see who was first to say something between us two.

“Let’s just do this already” Faith squealed once again opening the bag. Luke strutted over to me placing his arm over my shoulder.

“You want to have a mouth like a badass, you might as well become one” he laughed with serious at me pulling out a pill.

“No, I can’t take that. What if I die? I’m going to get in trouble for this” I hesitated pushing his hand away from me.

“Just do it. Nothing bad is going to happen, I’ll even take it with you” he encouraged me placing the pill in my hand. Eventually I gave in.

We both downed the pills along with the girls. And the rest of the night became a big hyper blur.

Wonderwall (Luke Brooks)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ