Chapter 8

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“I’m going home. Is that not allowed?” I said opening the door.

“Without saying goodbye to me? It’s only 11” spoke in a desperate tone ruffling his hair once again. Damn did he have a problem with adjusting his hair, either he was nervous or he was trying to keep it off his face.

“I didn’t want to disturb you, I need to be home by 4” I responded walking out the door.

“Bella!” he yelled trying to catch my attention.

“What Luke?” I sighed. I just wanted to leave already. I didn’t feel right being here. I felt like I was intruding.

“But your house is only a 15 minute walk away” he stated slowly making his way down the stairs.

“Really?” my eyes widen. I didn’t realise I lived that close to him. The houses around here are too nice and polished to even be that much of a radius away from my place. It seems like everyone around this area like to look after their home; keep their lawns green and have fancy gardens is more like it.

“Yeah, better start running home then don’t wanna be late and disappoint mummy” he said obviously joking.

“Alright then, if you say so” I laughed back heading out the door again.

“Bella! Wait!” he yelled out again.

“What is it this time aye?” I rolled my eyes. 

“Let me take you out for the afternoon?” he asked walking further down the stairs.

“I’m fine, thanks. Maybe another time” he looked devastated at my rejection.

“Please?” he begged giving me puppy eyes.

“Aw I don’t know, what would we do?” I asked him with an agitated look in my eyes.

“That’s a surprise” he winked back making me roll my eyes once again. “

You have a couple of hours with me, that’s it.” I said bluntly as he mumbled something under his breath.

“What was that?” I grunted at him as he pulled the door closed behind him.

“Nothing” he shook his head.

“Buddy, don’t make me change my mind” I argued back.

“I said once again I’ve made you change your mind” he repeated.

“Wow, this is going to be a long couple of hours” I said while I started walking off.


“Luke, where are we going?” I questioned him trying to catch up to him.

“It’s a surprise” he answered back. I decided not to say anything after that. We got off the train and exited the station. The smell of cigarettes and piss made me gag. I still didn’t know where we were, I didn’t even bother to find a sign or anything, it is a surprise…I guess. Crowds of people were walking from all different directions. People bumped into me from all ways. I could feel my breathing becoming irregular. I tried keeping up with Luke but he was walking too fast.

I suddenly stopped, putting my hands to my head trying to keep calm. I couldn’t see Luke anymore. I’d lost him, in a place I don’t know. “LUKE” I cried out.

“Come here” someone from my side said pulling me out of the rush of the crowd. I freaked out. I was about to get kidnapped and no one was giving a shit. An arm hanged around me shoulder pulling me closer to them. I took a deep breath and looked up.

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