Chapter 13

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My eyes skimmed the reflection bouncing of the mirror. A royal blue and white polka dot jumpsuit with a sweetheart neckline hugged my figure, a pair of black converses was placed on my feet and my hair sat in a high pony tail.

Tuesday morning, the day that I was verbally abused and sat with Luke under the tree he had asked if I wanted to tag along to a gathering with him and the other boys. I hesitated at first but after a lot of persuasion I said I’d go under the condition that I make all my decision without his input that night.

From: Not a drug dealer

We’re out the front x

I put my phone in my bra, tightened my hair tie and made my way downstairs. Beau’s car was parked out the front with him and Daniel in the front and the rest of the boys sat in the back. I crammed into the back and squished between Jai and Luke.

“Ahhhh ya cunts, I’m gonna fall out of the car with you bitches like that” James whinged. I flipped the bird and Luke suggested I sit on his lap. I agreed and apologised in advance for if I break his legs with my bum. He hung one arm around my waist keeping me secure and gradually over time the other hand started crawling up my thigh.

I smacked his hand away. “Oi what are you doing?” I turned my head and whispered to him flirtatiously.

“Nothing babe” he bit his lip and reposition his masculine hand on my lower left thigh. I giggled.

After about half an hour of lapping we turned down the same street Luke took me to witness the drug deal. The same trash covered a majority of yards but the only difference was the music blaring from the house we pulled up in front of. As I got out of the car I could already see the bonfire going on out the back.

“How many people do you reckon are coming tonight?” Daniel asked the whole lot of us.

“Mm I’d say 20 at the most” Beau responded. ‘

We made our way up the driveway and in past the wooden side gate. The boys were greeted by everyone and then began introducing me. A series of ‘nice to meet yous’, hugs and side kisses were exchanged within me and everyone else who was already here. I pulled up a camping chair between Luke and a guy I’ve seen around school before.

He had messy brown hair that wasn’t too short, his skin was an olive brown and his eyes shone a hazel. “Hey, I’m Charlie” he leant over the side of his seat and offered his hand in front of him.

I shook it, “Bella”

“Aww you know Bella means beautiful in Italy, even ask Luke, he’s Italian” he said. I twisted around to Luke who was eying out the other guy. I coughed and he just nodded. “So is this your new lady Brooks?” he asked him.

“Nah” we said in unison.

Charlie got up and walked inside, then returned dragging an eski behind him. He opened it up and offered everyone to take one. All the guys and girls were ecstatic at the idea of free drinks and I grabbed one as well considering all it said was ‘Orange Flavoured Soda’.

“LET’S PLAY BUTTON BUTTON WHO’S GOT THE BUTTON WITH A TWIST” Charlie cracked open his can and raised it. A few boys grunted a ‘yes’. I looked up and smiled. I didn’t want to look too stupid.

I took a big sip of the drink and placed into the cup holder of the camper chair. Everyone was silent and glancing across the fire to each other when suddenly I felt something strange inside me; somewhat like a storm. Two or three songs had passed after we had started sipping the drink and now everyone was beginning to look at me. The palms of my hands were sweating and I could feel droplets of moisture on my forehead and the back of my neck. My whole body became tense.

Charlie wrapped his arm around me giving me a friendly hug. “Aw lucky you” I heard him say in a slow motioned voice going at the wrong speed. “Come on relax, enjoy the trip” he seemed to repeating himself over and over in a slow-mo echo. I started laughing, wildly and hysterically. But then I noticed the strange shifting patterns moving in the fire. I grabbed hold of my head as I watched the swirling of blue, green, yellow, red and purple colours. I tried sharing the beauty with everyone but each word was a slur. I pulled myself up but fell down again. I just wanted to tell Luke what was happening but all I could do was laugh.

Soon my train of thoughts reappear and a wonderful language started flowing out of my mouth. What creations where coming out? How was such perfection exiting me? After I felt so terrible, slumped down off the chair, closed my eyes and lied on the ground. I could feel the music absorbing me physically; I was a part of every instrument.

I looked at my hand and could see 100 dimensions; I couldn’t stand it so I closed my eyes again resulting in me flowing into another universe. For the first time in my life I was inhibited.

After what seemed like eternities I began to come back to a somewhat normal state.

“What just happened?” I rubbed my head and got back into the chair.

The group erupted in laughter. “3 out of the 20 cans of Fanta had LSD in them, we all had one and there’s 2 left in the eski. And ‘Button Button’ refers back to that childhood game, you never knew who has the button, but I guess you got it” Charlie explained to me.

A cloud of regret rushed over me which was quickly covered with happiness. Wow, I’m glad I was the lucky one.

Beau came rushing over paranoid and shaken up, “We need to get out of here now!” he exclaimed escorting Luke and I.

“What about the others?” I asked him confused

“Don’t worry, they’re staying the night. But for us, we must get out of here”

We raced down the driveway, jumped in the car and before I could even put my seatbelt on Beau had already began to speed off.

“So are you going to explain what’s happening?” I questioned him crossing my arms.

“Benji found out that Bella is accompanying us and somehow thinks she’s a going to bloody expose us and him” Beau hit the steering wheel out of anger.

I gave a confused look. “Benji’s our supplier” Luke answered my question before I could even ask it. I listened to the boys argue and discuss the plans for the night

“You boys can stay at mine if you want? My family won’t be home until tomorrow arvo because they wanted to go visit some place.” I butted in. “Just make sure you park your car in the backyard and hidden behind the house so if he is to drive past mine he won’t know”

“Oh my gosh, thanks Bell. You’re a legend” Beau said. You can hear the relief in his voice, but I wasn’t sure if it was just me hearing things again.

The house was dark when we pulled up behind the house and went inside. I felt nauseous. The boys heaved me inside and I gave them a tour of the house. Luke settled down on the couch and fell asleep instantly. Meanwhie, Beau helped me out of my clothes into something comfortable and then into bed.

“You know, I can tell Luke has feelings for you already” Beau randomly blurted out. I called bullshit on that one but he explained how he has never acted like this around a girl before.

“It doesn’t matter though, we had our agreements” I told him. He just got up and walked off.

I fell into a seasick type sleep with a pounding headache.

Wonderwall (Luke Brooks)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ