Chapter 10

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It was already half way through the movie and I had budged once. It had also started to rain outside so it was fairly cool and dark. I loved it. The chilly atmosphere gave me more of a thrill and it worked out with the movie so well.

“Why aren’t you scared?” Luke sighed while I grabbed another lolly snake out of the bag.

“Someone’s keen for a kiss” I laughed making Luke’s face turn a crimson red. I readjusted myself in the couch making myself sit up and having my legs flicked up to the side onto the couch.

15 minutes had passed and we were up to the part where they were trying to communicate with Dalton. I looked over at Luke and giggled at the sight of him having the doona up to his face like he was ready to hide. “Scaredy cat, scaredy cat. Sitting on a loaf of fat” I sang like a primary school kid.

“Am not” he hissed back moving the food between us onto the floor to create space.

“SHHHHH it’s the good part” I hushed him waving my hands towards him.

I stretched my feet out filling up the empty space. The lights from the hallway began to flicker and I turned to Luke who gave me a reassuring smile. Just as Dalton placed his hand on the table all the power in the house went out and the TV zapped off.

“AHHHHHHH HOLY FUCKING SHIT, SWEET BABY JESUS WHAT JUST HAPPENED” I screamed jumping into Luke who looked just as scared as I was. The power was out and barely any light came through the house. Just as my heartbeat began slowing down a smirk grew on Luke’s face.

“You just lost the bet. Now come give Luke a kiss” he puckered his lips at me.

“Nah doesn’t’ count. It was the blackout that scared me not the movie” I argued back hitting him in the arm.

“A deal is a deal babe” he replied back. I sighed soon regretting being cocky before. As much as I wanted to kiss him I really didn’t want to. I pulled my hair out of my face and flicked it to the left side of my head wanting to get it over and down with as soon as possible. He pulled me in closer, closed his eyes and planted his lips on mine. I began kissing back and soon after closed my eyes as well. The kiss started becoming more passionate with every second. His right hand reached up towards my face and his thumb stroked my face just as my arm slung over his shoulders. Neither of us had decided to pull away just yet. I could feel his lip ring pressing against my lips; the cold metal would obviously leave intent on my bottom lip. By now we had granted our tongues access to each other’s mouths. Our tongues battling while locking lips.

I have kissed quite a few boys in my past but never this good. This kiss was too different as well. This kiss was electric and had a buzz to it, unlike the dullness from others. It such a cliché thing to say but it was like fireworks. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t like it.

“LUKEEEEEEEEEE, IM HOME” Beau who I had met earlier came barging into the house totally drenched with plastic bags filled with groceries. I pulled away to see him standing at the entrance to the living room laughing. “Did I interrupt something here?” he came over to punch Luke teasingly in the shoulder.

“Yes, now go away” Luke grunted obviously pissed off.

“Its fine Luke, let him stay” I said trying to ease the tension between us. Luke rolled his eyes and agreed but Beau decided to leave and put the groceries away.

“The power is out by the way Beau” Luke called out.

“Yeah I know, someone crashed their car into the power box down the street. Probably from speeding in the rain” Beau replied back walking back into the room. “Anyways who’s this sexy lady” Beau winked at me.

“I’m Bella, you meant me this morning” I tried reminding him only for him to say he had forgotten. He then took off his drenched shirt from the rain revealing his toned and tanned abs.

“Ugh, can you stop” Luke grunted through his clenched teeth.

“Hellllll nah” Beau skipped off and upstairs.


7pm came around and I was having a blast. Luke, Beau and I have been laughing like best friends, play hide and seek in the dark and just snacking on the food from earlier on.

“YES, THE POWER IS BACK ON” I squealed as the lights and appliances turned back on. We all got up simultaneously to put our phone on charge considering they went flat during the blackout.

“Guys, its 7 already” I called out to them from the kitchen. “And I’m hella hungry” I continued after they both entered the room.

“The take-out menus are over there if you wanna order in” Beau said pointing to the top of the fridge. A smile crept onto my face and a light went off in my head.

“Actually” I paused and smirked. “I’ve got an idea. How about we have a little cook-off? Ya know so I can top you bitches and waste a little time while we are at it”

“Sounds like a good plan to me. Luke?” Beau said then motioned the question over to Luke.

“You’re gonna regret being cocky again” Luke laughed agreeing to the plan.

Beau decided on making an entrée for us all, Luke suggested he do main and I was stuck with desserts. They way or cooking was going we weren’t going to done for a while, mostly likely close to 9 and we are going to have a huge mess to clean up.

“Move it Bell Bell, I need to get to the sink” Luke slapped my ass pushing past. I cringed at the nickname he just gave me.

“AYYY DON’T” I scolded at him wiping my floury hands on his face.

“OI, you’re going to pay for that” he started chasing me after scooping a heap of flour into his hands. Beau followed as well and chased me through the bottom level of the house. I screamed as Luke tackled me onto living room floor; his body pinning me to the ground whilst Beau covered me in flour. Eventually we made our back to the kitchen and continued cooking.

“Well bitches, my shit is setting so I’m going to set the table. Where are the plates, bowls, cutlery, place mats and all that other stuff?” I asked only for them to point to a various amount of places. I grabbed enough for the lot of us, set it up and grabbed some wine glasses and a water jug and set them up too; shaking my head at the childish decision of wine glasses filled with water I made.

We all brought in our dishes and placed it in the middle of the dining table. Beau served up his first. He decided on making Bruschetta sided with one spring roll and a homemade plum sauce that he whipped up.

“Mmmhmm” we all hummed in unison while biting into the Bruschetta.

“Beau, this isn’t half bad. Actually this is good” I complimented his cooking.

“Yeah, for once my brother made something decent” Luke said having Beau stand up and bow.

After Luke dished out his meal. He decided on Spaghetti Bolognaise. “Ugh, why aren’t I surprised” Beau huffed in disappointed. “This is the only thing you make” he continued on.

“Um, maybe because it’s the only thing I can actually make” Luke muttered under his breath sending us into fits of laughter. To be honest though it was pretty good.

Last up was my dish. I walked into the kitchen and to the fridge to retrieve what I had made. I served it out giving us equal proportions of the dish. “Wow, what is this?” Luke asked while putting another huge mouthful into his eating hole.

“It’s Peppermint Mocha French Silk Pie” I replied while shoving a spoonful into my mouth.

“Well, it’s pretty damn good” he smiled finishing off the last of his serving.

“It’s fair and square that you win Bell Bell” Beau said finishing is serving as well.

“I say we out some music on, clean up and then figure out what to do with the rest of the night” I suggested stacking our plates up ready to take them to the kitchen.

“Another well set out plan ay” Luke taunted.

“What? Got anything better to do?” I sassed back.

“Well…..” he grinned.

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