Chapter 18

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“Beau! What the fuck are you doing? She was signalling us to pull over!” I yelled while shifting uncomfortably in my seat.

An eruption of sirens and flashing lights followed us as Beau started accelerating even more.

“Driving off obviously” he said in a sarcastic yet blunt tone. “Bella, do you know what happens if we get caught with this shit?” he raised his voice and pointed at the bag in my hand, with his right hand gripping the steering wheel. The veins in his arms were popping out and you could see how angry he was getting.

“I could’ve just put it in my bra or something, they wouldn’t have checked there.” I said. He placed both hands on the steering wheel, gripped on tight and chucked a right onto another main street. The jolt sent me slamming into the side of the car and my face to hit the window. “Um OUCH” I screamed but Beau didn’t acknowledge me. His eyes were locked on the road as the sirens were still going on behind us and while I began wincing in pain.

“You know this car is riddled with drugs and shit. I couldn’t have pulled over.” He finally spoke after what seemed like forever.

“So? It was just a RBT, she was only going to breath test you, not raid your fucking car. Way to start a high speed chase for no reason aye.” I spat back. I was beginning to get so angry as well. I looked back to see that another police car had joined in on the chase. If you squinted hard enough you could see that they were all females, all at least over 30.

“Please just pull over Beau?” I asked gently hoping he would give in. He still didn’t acknowledge my requests. I paused and repeated myself.

“GOD, CAN YOU SHUT THE HELL UP BELLA? I’M TRYING TO CONCENTRATE SO WE DON’T DRIVE INTO A FUCKING TREE OR ANYTHING. I’M NOT PULLING OVER.” He screamed at me only afterwards to glance over at me with a sympathic look.

The usual stinging in your eyes when you’re about to cry came to me. “FUCK, YOU CAN BE A DICK SOMETIMES. I’D RATHER LUKE HERE.” I screamed back resulting in a teste pop half way through it. I just wanted to go home. I want to not get arrested. But more than anything, I just wanted Luke to be here to set him straight and tell me everything is going to be alright. At least he wants me to be safe.

“YOU DON’T WANT LUKE HERE, YOU DON’T EVEN LIKE HIM. HE DOESN’T LET YOU BE THE EXPERIMENTAL TEENAGER YOU WANT TO BE. REMEMBER?” he raised his voice much louder than mine making it echo through the car. We were arguing like a couple yet we were far from it. We are becoming more like brother and sister by the day.

That had shut me up though. I didn’t want to continue yelling back and forth. I had no adrenaline rush at all so it was physically and mentally exhausting just being here. I’m surprised that I wasn’t having an anxiety attack either. By now another police car had joined in on the chase and the combination of sirens were ear piercingly loud. Beau chucked another right sending me back into the side of the car making me sob quietly. The scenery outside the car had changed from the normal suburb streets to bumpy tar roads and continuous strip of trees and forest land of a highway.

“Hold on” Beau warned me right before he began swerving in, out and between cars. It was during peak hour so it was quite busy and none of the other vehicles were pulling aside to let the cops through. We were gaining distance away and you barely see the police past the truck we were in front of. “I would hold on if I was you” he said just as he turned off the road and down a dirt road which much looked like someone’s driveway. He really stepped on the accelerator this time allowing us to speed off out of sight a couple of seconds before they drove past.

The dirt road continued for another few hundred metres and more trees disappeared as we came closer to the entrance of a land plot leading to a house. “What’s your plan now genius? We can’t go back out there” I taunted him but still asking a serious question.

He stopped the car and pointed to the 3 cars parked just behind the shed. “We steal the number plates.” He whispered.

“You mean you’re stealing the number plates. Fuck that shit I’m staying in the car away from trouble”

“Suit yourself” he shrugged his shoulders, opened the glove box in front of me and retrieved a screwdriver, “I’ll be right back” he opened the car door and bolted to the cars. I can’t believe he caused such a fuss. Wait no, fuss is an understatement, he caused a fucking police chase over not wanting to do a simple breath test. I reached over to the radio which he turned off just before he sped off, turned it on and just laid back in the seat.

He was taking his time trying to unscrew them off that car and switch them over with his that I was soon prepared to walk home from here. The sun had already set ages ago, it was getting late and I’m sure Mum would send out a search party for me soon just like when she thought Chris was missing. The driver’s door slammed shut and in a matter of minutes we were back onto the highway.

“Can you drop me off at home before you get their food?” I asked. Beau had calmed down quite a lot now but I was still anxious as the number plates really didn’t make a difference to the car.

“Yeah sure, but you gotta text me the junk food that you want for tomorrow” he agreed and I immediately texted him even though he was right next to me.

My familiar street surroundings warmed my heart as I got out of the car just a couple of houses down from mine.

“You might want to put ice on your face” he pointed to my face and I raised my hand up to feel the damage done. It was nothing major but I’m sure it would bruise. I waved bye to him and jogged up the driveway and went inside.

“What took you so long?” my mother’s voice jolted me out of my thoughts. Her figure appeared within seconds and she scurried over to me, “Oh my god, darling what happened? Who hit you?” she traced her fingers across my face.

“It was no one. I was jogging and Beau drove past me and beeped me and as I turned to wave to him I ran into a tree. So he pulled over and we talked for abit” I lied and laughed. She believed me and grabbed me a tea towel and a pack of frozen peas out of the freezer. I thanked her then walked off to my room. I pulled my journal out.

- March 18th  -

Holy shit I have so much to tell you diary. Okay so today I went on a date with Luke and he kissed me. I know all day I’ve been correcting everyone by saying it’s not a date but now I kind of want it to be now. Oh diary being in a wild car chase today with Beau really made me realise that I want him to keep me safe. I think he’s the only one out of them both that is caring of my safety. I’m so confused though, I think I’m developing feelings for him but I really don’t want. Anyways GUESS WHO IS TRYING WEED TOMORROW? That’s right it’s me. I’ll be back tomorrow hopefully to tell you how I went. I hope it’s good. I think my life here in Melbourne is starting to work out.  

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