Seek of Blood and Comfort

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"hahaHahaha! TAG! YOU'RE IT!!" They laughed as I fell down, scraping my knee.

"OMZ! S! S! ARE YOU OKAY!?" f called out coming next to me to check the damage, I tried to hold back my tears because boys don't cry! But the tears only slid through, The others came around to look at me and then there was another strange letter.

"Everyone! Give him a bit of space will Ya! Let me see...Geez you scraped it bad, P̶̯̳̊!!! Please hand me a clean cloth and either an antibiotic ointment or petroleum jelly, Quickly!" they yelled as another random letter ran quickly.

I look around me, f was next to me, r worrying for me but stays standing with n and the crowd, some letters distracting i from this, e and d just standing there not really knowing what's going on then everything suddenly turned scary, the letters who whispered suddenly were smiling and laughing, the sky turned red, my friends were blurred out as if I couldn't remember anything, the ground soon turned dark and everyone faded away only leaving laughing and name calling.

I tried to run but I couldn't, I called for help but no one came

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I tried to run but I couldn't, I called for help but no one came.

Wake up
Wake up
WAKE UP!!!!!

-S's POV-

I woke up and sat up quickly as I was breathing heavily, water leaked through my eyes, I didn't understand why, it just leaked. I wiped the tears off and calmed myself down a bit, I looked around and saw I was still stuck in the pantry with F, I looked at the gap at the bottom of the door, it was dark already.
I needed to check the others if they were alright and sleeping well, but if it wasn't for E locking me up for the 68th time! I would've known they were alright! I just want out! I don't wanna be here.
I looked around and saw the walls closing in. I panicked as I saw this happening and I was losing myself to this as I didn't notice the touch someone gave me on my shoulder.
I felt it when they pulled me further away from the lonely darkness they pulled me closer to them.

"S!? Calm down, breathe in and out okay? In— and out...You alright?" F asked as I was trying to handle my breathing, water leaked from my eyes again and I was shaking a lot.

F pulled me closer and hugged me as I just sat there not knowing but soon hugged him back, a bit hard and released the water that was leaking from my eyes. I didn't know what was going on, I didn't know what the hell I was feeling, I just didn't feel happy at all.

"Hey, It's alright, I'm here...tell me what's wrong?" He asked, I wanted to speak but my voice was all wobbly and high pitched.

"I-...I Dont-- Dont *hiccup* Know w- what-- I am *hiccup* Feel-- Feeling! I-- *hiccup* Don't Kn-- know-- Under *hiccup*understand what Is- is go *Hiccup* going On!" I tried to speak, What kind of Shit am I feeling!?

"You Are sad, Panicked actually, You're having a panic attack. Tell me, what do you see around you?" he asked, I looked around and I saw the walls closing in more, I turned away quickly as it was triggering my "panic" as F said.

Silly & Clever: Silly letternapped AuOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara