Escape successfully, Right?

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-N's POV-

"Hmm, interesting, mhm, mhm, hmmm, over here, hmm" I've been in some room for quite some time, this is even more boring than when E was lecturing us about his theories in star gazing and such.

They just held my head and examined it as if I was a new toy or something, I look over to the two who stood there worry, finally this person let my head go and got out bandages and cloths, he cleaned off the blood that I didn't know was running down and placed the bandages on where the wound was. He took out a clipboard and wrote something down as they walked down to the strangers standing and handing them the clipboard.

"We may as well keep him in the hospital for sometime, we need to run a few tests on him due to the charts being a bit off" they explained, I stopped listening to whatever they were saying and looked around the room. I spotted candy sitting on the counter, I got up and walked over to get candy.

"N! NO! Bad!" Blue donut man slapped my hand as I was about to get one.

I rubbed it as it did hurt, sure I was hit by D a few times but playfully not that hard, I looked at him as I tried to get candy again but he slapped it again. I was angry and tried to take the whole candy bowl but again he slapped me so I slapped him back but in the face, he seemed surprised when I did that then slapped me again this time on my face, I slapped back but then the lady got in the way to stop us.

"N! Where are your manners!? You're supposed to ask, not take!" She scolded me, I crossed my arms and looked at them angrily.

"He slapped me," I argue.

"Now's not the time to say who started what!" She said,

"Hm! I wish F was here, he would've understood it better than you" I said turning my back on them but the lady turned me back, looking at me for a quick second and slapped me very hard as if she meant it as if she Hated me the most.

"Don't you Even mention his Name! Z knows what the Hell he did that made you nuts!" She said, my cheek was stinging after that slap but something...Something of that slap reminded me of something in the past, i'm not sure of what but I turned to them as my hand was on my cheek.

"F was right...YOU ARE WILD BEASTS, It's no wonder we're not allowed out, you took me away from my family, You damaged my Home, you hurt my boyfriends, but most of all You Hurt ME!" I yelled, the lady put her arms on me and looked me straight in the eyes.

"N, F is dangerous, he took you away from us, we're Your real family" She said, I look at both of them and laugh.

"What a funny Joke! F, Dangerous? Please he would of killed me by now like D, he never took me away, I always lived with F and the others, I just met him by the river and I moved in with him, and very silly, F has to say that in order to confirm if your safe or not, which tells me your only taking me away and locking me away so I don't see those I love" I explained as I went dull explaining the last one.

"N, this is serious, we're your real family-- Hey- HEY WAIT WHAT'S GOING ON!?" she yelled as some letters came in and quickly laid me down and drove the bed away from the room to send me to another room, weird letters I say, weird.

-O's POV-

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON! WE JUST GOT HIM BACK MAN!" I yelled as we were about to run out the room to catch up to N but the doctors only blocked us from going.

"This is a serious job!Not only did you get Your brother all silly and weird but you also brought him back with Illusion drugs!" the doctor explained, me and P looked at each other.

"Illusion Drugs!? What in the name of Z are you talking about!?" I yelled, the doctor just ran without explaining anything to us, we tried to follow but another doctor stopped us.

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