Truth finds a way out

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-Y's POV-

To be quite honest, I'm feeling really LUCKY! I have a family and friends and Family! I JUST LOVE THEM!!

"Okay, hey! Jingle, jingle, jingle! So this is called the 'hide and run from intruders that are trying to letternap us' . This drill is no joke! So-- Hey! Jinge, jingle, jingle! We hide whenever a door is being knocked, we hide in the trapdoor that's behind the photo over there and we stay Quiet!" D explained as he kept jingling some keys for me to Stay focused on the drills.

"Seriously, why is it hard for you to pay attention?" Orange letter asked as he was walking in with the fellow snake and the Alligator wannabe.

"N, You shouldn't be talking, you couldn't stay focused on certain things when you came!!" He pointed out as N just simply rolled his eyes playfully.

"You guys just missed D's explanation on drills to these two and may I say, Y cant stay focused for a second" Red letter said sipping tea from their cup.

"Yeah, she has a hard time, anyways what were you guys up too?" Squishy child said as he looked up from his coloring book.

"So um- Everyone, we have an announcement to make!" Alligator wannabe said, grabbing red letter, squishy child, D, Space ranger wannabe, L and my attention. "So-- we made it official, Me, N, and S are um-- would you like to say it?" He turned to N and S and they both happily nodded.

"We're an official Couple!" Both N and S said, Red Letter spat out his tea and choked, the squishy child looked amazed and clapped, Space ranger wannabe didn't seem so impressed and just rolled his eyes but smiled in the end, L just laughed as I just clapped like the squishy child.

"I'm sorry, WHAT!? Like For Real, for real!???" red letter asked as the trio just smiled and nodded."Damn It's about time y'all asked each other out! Pay up!!" the red letter said as the space ranger and D took out a dollar and gave it to the red guy here.

"Hold up- R!! YALL BET ON US!? SINCE WHEN!!?" Alligator wannabe said as the red letter looked over and just smirked.

"Since S was introduced to the family, duh! E said that You'll fall for N, D said that S will fall for you but I said that You, N and S will become a couple" R said as E and D nodded.

"FUCK YALL!!" F yelled, Embarrassed as S came and patted him on the back as N chuckled.

"Hey, Y, You wanna see something cool?" L whispered as I just nodded, he got up and got out some shiny thing. "HEY GUYS! LOOK AT THIS!" He yelled as everyone turned to him.

"L. YOU BETTER NOT!" F yelled as he glared at L who was Smirking and just lowered the shiny thing on the curtain and lit it.

"L!!!" D yelled as he went to chase him while he giggled.

"AH! OMZ! THERE'S A FIRE! QUICK SOMEONE GET SOMETHING TO TURN IT OFF AHHH" N yelled as he was panicking and running in circles while S was trying to calm him down.

I just sat there not knowing what to do as I just watched them put on a good old show, freaking out, chasing one another, and of course the fire just spreading, which was quite entertaining to watch than the Puppet shows N puts. Eventually I heard a doorbell rang and nobody seemed to answer that so I got up and went over, I was about to open it when-

"Y! Don't open it! Everyone! HIDE!" F yelled as everyone ran and hid, I was taken by S who hid me in the trapdoor D was talking about.

"Okay, everyone stay quiet, I'll keep guard" D said as he held a bat and stood behind the picture frame.

"Why do we hide?" I asked

"There are really bad letters out there that are trying to take us away from F and brainwash us, it is why we hide as F sacrifices himself in protecting us" S explained as I began to wonder.

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