Choose, Confess Or DEATH!

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"So what you're saying is that it was all just a set up the whole time!? But what about 'FRIENDS' disappearance and the random Murders and such!?" a letter yelled, are they really asking about that now?

"FRIENDS 'disappearance has no connection with F and so do the murders, nothing is connected to F, F is innocent" M announced as there were more whispers between others.

"But what about L and Y?" X asked, people were starting to question that too.

"At this moment we are not sure where they could be, they might have been captured by someone else but we're not sure for right now" he explained, I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was B. He seemed worried about something.

'A, do you think they'll be fine? Also have you noticed that Q has been acting quite weird lately?' He signed, I sighed and patted his back.

"I'm positive that they're alive and well as for Q, no I haven't really been paying attention, why do you say?" I reply, he looks over to Q and starts to sign again.

'I dunno he seems shaky, More avoidant, more worried, terrified, and more aware of his surroundings than usual' he signed. I look over to Q and he is right, he looks terrified as one single small thing touches him, something's not right with him.

"So, who's with me in convincing F to come back, come back home?" M announced, everyone whispered to each other probably thinking if they should agree to this or not.

"I'LL GO!" We all turned and saw Q raising his hand filled with determination and a bit of terror on his face, everyone was staring at him and was starting to think he's going crazy  but then--

"SO WILL I!" Another yelled, it was U, he had both his hands raised.

"I'm with y'all" another raised their hand. "I don't see why not" "Yeah! I'll go!" "Me too!" Soon everyone was raising their hands to join, eventually me, B and C raised our hands to join, everyone in town had volunteered to convince F in coming back all due to two best friends.

"Alright, Everyone get ready, we're setting up a welcome home party. A, B, and maybe Q you guys are incharge of the drinks, K, J, V and U, y'all are with the decorations, W, C and X y'all are up with entertainment and security" He announced right before turning to G and telling him something.

Me and B went back to the bar and prepared the drinks for this party, we heard the entrance bell ring, we both looked over and it was some letter, looks like they came in here to just order something, I went to the back as B just got his order.

As I went to the back looking for which drink would be best for everyone, some liked alcohol some prefer non-alcoholic drinks so I looked for some until I heard glass breaking out there, I hurriedly went out to see what the commotion was about until I found B on the floor hiding from this customer as they were yelling at him. I went over and looked the guy in the eyes.

"What happened?" I said as I saw B crying a bit, I glared at this letter.

"Mother fucker aint talking, he's ignoring me and wont hurry up! I have an important meeting to attend!" He complained, I reached my hand under the counter and pressed a button only to reveal a trap door under them and making them fall into it.

"Don't worry love, I'll take care of it, in the meantime go visit U's shop for a while, you need a break" I suggested, he nodded and got himself back up on his feet and left. I grabbed my bat that was under the counter and went downstairs to where the trap door led.

I opened the door and the letter was pretty much in pain due to the fall from the trapdoor, I went over and kneed down in front of him.

"Wha- what the hell are you going to do? Stand there? Help me out dammit!" He cried, I just shook my head, tsking as I set the bat in front of him, tapping it on the floor.

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