Chapter one

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The bell echoed through the empty hall, which was Dani and Bill's sign to get up. Bill stood up first and held out a hand to Dani, which she took as he pulled her up. Dani grabbed her handbag and put it on the inside of her elbow, showing off her nails. They were acrylic and had an airbrushed French tip. Bill saw her nails as he pulled her up aswell, and he loved them. He just didn't really know how to say it at the minute.

"Well, you ready to go to music?" She smiled at him as she pulled out her perfume, spraying it around her.

"Yeah, as long as you show me whereabouts the room is" He smiled back and she laughed quietly.

"Of course, I wouldn't leave you stranded like that on your first day." 

Tom met them outside, arm around the girl he was staring and smiling at. 

"Alright, raggedy bitch?" The girl said to Dani. Dani immediately threw her purse into Bill's hands and strutted over to the girl, who had turned around and laughed at Dani. This threw Tom off slightly.

"I know you ain't speaking to me bitch, your hair be looking like you were dragged through a hedge you basic white cracker. I'm Latina, at least I'm baked. The only one looking fuckin raggedy is you and the same tracksuit you been wearing since the 7th grade. Bottom of the pants be at your knees."

"Ugh babe, protect me." The girl said, turning to Tom, who was falling out of love by the nanosecond.

"Fuck no, this spat between you and me girl, not him aswell. He ain't done shit. Now you best bet you get your off-brand nikes away from him before he notices. All his? Real. Waddle along now girl. Don't you ever disrespect me like that again, got it?" Dani asserted as the girl walked away in a huff. She turned back to Bill, who handed her the white purse back, shocked.

She then gestured for Tom to follow them.

"Come on, you're good. You got maths right?" 

He nodded sheepishly, this made Dani smile.

"No need to be afraid, I ain't got a problem with you. Now, what teacher you got? I'll point you in the right direction."

"Mr K, room 204?" He recalled, not bothering to check his timetable.

"Oh yeah, I had him last year. He doesn't give out much homework, which is nice. Just down this next corridor, third door on your right." He nodded and whispered something to Bill.

"Bist du schon in sie verliebt? Ich kann sagen, dass du in der nähe bist." He sneered

("You in love with her already? I can tell you're close." He sneered)

This made Bill blush like mad, he hit Tom's arm in retaliation. 

"Nein, sag nicht so dumme sachen." He spat back

("No, don't say stupid things like that." He spat back)

Tom smirked and walked off down the hallway.

"If that's German, you have to teach me some. I have to know what you saying behind my back" she laughed. This made Bill smile, as no one has asked him to teach them his home language. It would be nice for someone to put some effort in like that.

"So, what is music like here?" He asked.

"It's nice, it's one of the best subjects in my opinion, other than history. For me, history is always on top. The teachers are nice in the whole performing arts department. Miss Malovsa is one of the best, we got lucky. You play any instruments?"

"Piano, but I mostly sing. Had a band back home with Tom. We didn't break up, we just moved here for a while." 

"Aw, that's so cool! What's it called?"

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